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19M and desperately want a hair transplant, am I missing something?


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The odd thing a bout my hair that I have yet to figure out is if I actually have MPB. I looked at pictures when I was 12-13 and my hairline was very far back, it could be that I simply have a far back hairline, or that I have a far back hairline and MPD. My dad and grandpa both have thinning on crown and front of hairline. 

I started paying attention to my looks when I was 16 and noticed that my hairline started really far back. So I did a lot of research and started minoxidil when I was 17 and finasteride 6 months after. After this, nothing has happened, I've never had thinning, and my hairline has remained static. 

I used to be fat and was born with a jaw defect, I had a surgery to fix my jaw and it turned out amazing, I also started working out and I'm now as fit as I have ever been. The combination of the success of the surgery and me getting fit skyrocketed my confidence. I've worn caps/beanies for the last 2-3years and my hair is really the big thing still holding me back. 

Therefore I really want to do a hair transplant. I understand the risks of getting transplants while young but how likely is it that I will thin/recede? I feel like I was very early in starting fin and because I've had no negative signs so far it feels unlikely. I know its hard to judge over just pictures, but how many grafts would I do If I were to do a HT?

Regardless of what I do I would love some input on this because I was recommended this forum and the people here seem trustworthy. Attached pictures of my hairline below.

Looking forward to some answers! Thanks





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you are way too young for a HT. I am sorry nature has been so cruel to you. 

If your hair is really a matter of life and death I'm sure you can find a seedy unethical doctor to give you a HT right now. 

But A) you will be lucky if you aren't botched B) 100% certainty with your level of MPB you will be chasing many more HT's throughout your 20s. 

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