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Dr. Allesandrini Tijuana Part 2- 2900+ grafts


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Approaching the 3 month mark in a couple weeks thought I'd check in. I think I'm finally exiting the ugly duckling phase and seeing growth. The donor area look perfect and I'm encouraged at the way things are growing although my crown is still looking worse than before I started I feel. Oh well I know I have a long journey ahead. My friend who got it done at the same place 6 weeks before me is looking amazing so I'm encouraged 







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  • 1 month later...
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We are 10 days past the 4 months mark and things are really starting to pick up. Hairline is filling up noticably daily. Crown is coming along more slowly. I had a lot of shock loss there and im finally at the point where it looks better than before the surgery but just barely. The most exciting thing is my scar! 2 weeks ago I got a low fade on #2 and my scar was hardly detectable. I used to be able to see it on #4. This alone was worth the HT for me. I was very skeptical. The pics attached are from today except for the donor area which is from 2 weeks ago








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  • 3 weeks later...
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Yesterday was the 5 month mark. There seemed to be a bit of a lull in growth and suddenly in the last week or so new noticable activity. These pics are under harsh lighting directly after a shower. I'm already at a point where in public it's been undetectable to people who don't know I've had it done. A side note my overall hair quality has been amazing probably attributable to my diligent minoxidil use. I'll send a seperate update on my scar area the next time I get a haircut. Oh and crown..still slower than the rest







Edited by sunfire
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11 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

Your hair looks coarse and wiry, I imagine it’s not hard for you to get volume. Looking good.

Haha is that a back handed compliment? I've never heard my hair described as either coarse or wiry but I do have pretty good volume. The transplanted hair is definitely on the wiry side so far but I imagine that's temporary. Either way I'll take the compliment haha

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7 minutes ago, sunfire said:

Haha is that a back handed compliment? I've never heard my hair described as either coarse or wiry but I do have pretty good volume. The transplanted hair is definitely on the wiry side so far but I imagine that's temporary. Either way I'll take the compliment haha

No it's not backhanded, this is common terminology in the hair obsessed community! Coarse just means each hair shaft is fairly thick, usually measured in microns. Wiry refers to a sort of kinky, wavy texture. It's a good thing.

Having very straight, fine hair is the worst for achieving density. Most of us would love to have coarse hair. 

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  • 1 month later...
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6 months update.

Month 5 was a real roller coaster. I had completely linear progress until halfway into month 5 when I had what felt like a catastrophic reversal. A sudden shed had me looking worse than month 4 and in the middle of my head even worse than before the transplant. I freaked out of course. After speaking with my doc and doing some research I came to understand that the shed was cyclical. There isn't much info out there about this but the doc was aware of it and I found a few articles on it. With the hair transplant, plus finasteride and minoxidil (I switched brands which seems to have an impact) my growth cycles are all over the place. Moral of the story. Remain calm understand that sheds happen and growth is cyclical. Sure enough my hair has come back roaring in the last couple of weeks with more growth coming daily. The first set of pics is from 5.5 months and the next set of from today which is about 6 months 









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  • 5 months later...
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1 year update

The last 6 months have flown by and I've seen thickening all around. The most new growth has been in the crown. Overall improved thickness and texture. I will say the scar implants are a big improvement from before the HT but still visible at #2 fade.  Actually what's most visible is the strip of virgin hair above the scar and below the donor area. What I do is cut at #2 if I have a couple days where I can hide the back then it's fine. If i can't wait then #3 won't show.

The first two pics show me before and after and a couple days ago before my current haircut.

The rest are from today with a #2 fade








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