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My experience with IdealOfMed in Istanbul, Turkey - 2022 03


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I have been experiencing thinning hair for years now and over 2020/21 it was getting worse. I had almost no hair in the middle of my head and only a small bit at the front and my hairline was receding badly. This is when I started to seriously consider a transplant. 

I spent a long time researching various sites including this one about the procedures, what was involved, different techniques etc. In the end budget made me look at Turkey, as well as I live in Europe so easy to get to. Then I had to select a clinic which was one of the most stressful decisions. There are many reviews on this site alone where several members say this is a hair mill, don't go here, only go to this clinic etc (not that they have been to the clinic so a lot of assumption unfortunately). So it actually made it more difficult to decide. I contacted a couple clinics and started to narrow it down to IdealOfMed. 

There was not a whole lot of information on the web, some Google reviews, Trustpilot (which I dont trust), some YouTube videos etc. So I got in touch and asked for a consultation which was done by WhatsApp. I spoke with Cem and Halim initially to go over my current hair status, my goals, and what could be expected. My initial assessment noted that I was a Norwood 5, donor area was 8 out of 10, and they assessed I would need 4500 grafts in 1 session. Then we had a video call and went over more details, they had a better look at my hair and confirmed that the initial assessment was good, but they would need to confirm in person. So they sent an offer with all the pricing and details and later I sent a deposit and booked my appt for 2022 01.

I had to push back my appt twice for work reasons (which they allow you to do at no cost through their site as long it is not within a certain time frame (48hrs or something) of your scheduled appt which was very good for me. I finally traveled to Turkey in early 2022 03 for the procedure. I wont get into the pickup, driver, hotel etc as it is not important, the procedure is. However, all that was fine so no issues. What I did like is that they send you a pre procedure kit with shampoo and vitamins and other products to assist in preparing for the surgery. Also several recommendations on a water filter for the shower, additional hair shampoo to better prepare the hair etc. The kit also contained after care products.

I went early on the morning of the procedure, had my blood taken (for a PRP treatment) and then had a consultation with the head technician, Cem, and a translator was present as well although everyone spoke English. My hairline was decided on and everything on my head marked out for the procedure. The consultation I thought was going to be done the day prior, but it was done the day of, which didn't seem to matter in the end. The procedure was explained to me in detail and then I waited for it to start. Now for people saying this is a hair mill. The clinic was on the upper floor of a private hospital, the hospital was newer, clean, well appointed and I felt comfortable there. Its a Turkish hospital so don't expect it to be like Western or North American hospital in all respects, Turkey is still Turkey. There were only myself and one other person there in the morning, and two others in a later session. Four patients total for the day and I asked several times and each time was told that is the maximum they do in one day, sometimes only two. They have four teams of technicians, all with a lot of experience, the :"European" teams speak some English and have some additional training or certification (IdealOfMed) is parented out of Sweden I believe.

The procedure. I wont lie, it wasn't pleasant but it was very manageable. Started with a local anesthetic administered on the surface, feels like a rubber band snap on your head (after your head is shaved down of course). Then they inject multiple anesthetic needles throughout the donor and transplant areas which is the most painful part, as getting multiple needles in your head would be. But over in a few minutes. I was on my stomach for this part of the procedure as they remove the donor grafts using the machine. It was uncomfortable as they are holding your head down, moving it around, putting a lot of hand pressure on your head, annoying and uncomfortable but painless (except for a sore neck). If you feel any pain just let them know and they add more freezing. Remember needles inject fluid that moves under you skin so it wont always spread out evenly and a spot or two may require more freezing. This took around 2.5 hrs. Its weird seeing all your individual hairs lined up in rows on trays in some sort of medical goo to stay clean and healthy btw.

Following this and a short break, I was back in the chair and sitting upright but slightly leaned back. I was able to listen to music which I brought on my phone while they worked. This part they used a small rotor tool and they open up every pore they will put a graft in in your head. Its a weird feeling as they basically drill (slice) into your head over and over again thousands of times, but it goes quickly. Again if any more freezing needed they will add, but they don't want to add to much as its not safe (this is a good thing). This part maybe lasted a bit over an hour. Then there was a lunch break. I wasn't super hungry but ate something anyways.

I will say here at multiple points Cem came in to review the work, make sure all was on track on looking good. He talked me through what was happening as did my translator who I could ask questions of the technicians at any time. For those wondering there is a head surgeon but he does not perform the procedures unless you want to pay a lot more. The technicians do this every day and mine seemed to know what they were doing. I have heard bad stories where one is not as good as the other and you can get less grafts in one side of your head as the one technician cant keep up with the other and you get mixed results. This was not the case with my team, they were great.

Now it was time for the longest part of the day, the grafts. They take each one by hand and place it in the holes they had made earlier, so this took over 3 hrs. The technicians also had to take breaks as it is so much work and they need to concentrate. I was worrying the whole time that they would place the hairs the wrong way and my hair would grow in all different directions (spoiler alert, its fine). This was pretty much painless but there was a lot of tugging and pulling and moving your head, but music helped. It is a long boring procedure and your mind will run with lots of thoughts.

Then it was over. 

I had some time to rest and get cleaned up, they helped me dress and then back to the hotel to rest. One thing I want to say and I think is very important for your procedure, follow all the post procedure instructions to the letter. Yes it is a pain sometimes, sleeping on my back sucks and was uncomfortable on the little pillow but I did that for 10 days. I washed and dried my hair as instructed, took all the oils and vitamins and used the shampoo as instructed (the oil was messy) but I think it really helped make my procedure turn out as good as it did. 

The next day I went back and there was an inspection of my head, everything looked great and I had my first wash and cleaning of blood and such. I was given my after care products, shown how to use them and then that was it, including pain meds, anti swelling and anti infection meds etc. Sorry I forget if I got the PRP treatment the day of or the following day, one was included in the price. They recommended 5 more, 1 per month, but it is very expensive where I live so I did not do it, and it is not necessary. But again follow all the post op instructions to the letter (I only took pain meds the first night though, didn't need them).

I went home the day after. A couple of notes. The other guy who was with me same time was having a fix up procedure after his first one at a different clinic was botched, his story was scary (luckily he told me after the procedure). He said IdealOfMed was so much better than his first one and he was happy. That's all I know how his procedure went. Second was the headband. I have been in Turkey many times and seen so many men flying out after surgery with a headband etc and the scabby head, but I didn't get a headband. I asked Cem about this and he said it was not required and was more of a marketing tool by other clinics, hence why you see the headband and the big clinic advertising on the front. I had very little swelling and the meds worked fine, no headband needed. Maybe other clinics say it is necessary, again this is my experience and its not needed.

When I got home there was multiple WhatsApp follow ups at various intervals to see my progress and to help with any questions. But again I just followed the instructions and all was fine. I didn't have hardly any shedding, which I found weird, but that is normal to not always shed, so I didn't experience the shock loss. 

Anyways that is my experience with IdealOfMed. I am super happy with my results and I would recommend them for whatever that's worth. Any questions let me know and I will try to answer best I can. Night before surgery pic, post surgery pic, hair now as of today.


James (47)




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