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Am I a good candidate? Recommendations for a clinic in Europe (ideally UK / Ireland)

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I’ve made what I thought was the hard decision - to get a hair transplant or no transplant. Now that I’m looking at clinics to go to, I’ve realised the hardest decision is still to come.

I see incredible reviews as well as horrific reviews on pretty much every clinic. Once I see someone post something positive, I find about 10 other posts or comments describing the negatives of the same doctor or clinic. Bad hairlines, over harvesting donor sites, incorrect aftercare advice etc..

I’m based in Ireland - meaning anywhere in Europe is pretty close. I have a good job and would ideally spend up to €12k / $13k on a transplant if necessary. Being honest, if there was a great doctor in Ireland or the UK, I would potentially spend more. 

If budget wasn’t a major issue, where would you go in Europe? I’m sorry if this is a post that comes up all the time, I’m guessing variations of it do. But this feels like one of the most important decisions I will ever make. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it.. 

Pictures attached for reference. I'm 30 years old (if that matters). These are by far the least flattering pictures I've ever taken.. It's hard to intentionally show the baldness VS trying to hide it with fringes or good photo angles.







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