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Identifying gynaecomastia

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How do you identify whether you have the early signs of gynaecomastia

For the past 2 months I have substituted my normal 1ml of minodoxil in the evening for 0.75ml of topical finasteride + minodoxil.

I’ve read about gynaecomastia as a potential side-effect of finasteride and noticed recently that I have a fair amount of soft tissue around the nipple area, above my chest muscles. When I tense my pecks, I can pinch a decent amount of soft tissue that sits above the muscles.

I don’t know whether I am just being completely paranoid or not. I’d never paid any real attention to my nipples before now so I have no idea whether this is the same amount I always had or whether it’s new.

How much soft breast tissue is normal for a man and how does one go about diagnosing gyno early?

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