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Hair Transplant from Self Hair Clinic Istanbul


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I was diagnosed as Norwood 7 sufferer of Hair loss and decided to take that plunge for a HT whilst on a trip to Turkey.

After meeting a few consultants and doctors in person, I narrowed down with Dr. Yilman Ozturun from Self Hair Clinic who performs his surgery’s at Medica health in the Asian side. 
There were multiple reasons for going ahead with him 

1) He was very candid about my future results and m the realities post HT and sold me no dreams of dreadlocks. 
2) In prior years I was diagnosed with Hep C which was cured 100% by the NHS but no clinics accept the RNA negative results but only flag if you have had viruses like Hep C, A or B in the past and wouldn’t operate on you (and rightly so). He along with the Medica Healthcare staff diligently reviewed my results and confirmed that they would operate on me using some disposable equipments in order to ensure there is no contamination with any other hospital equipment. This came as a sigh of relief as not only I had someone willing to operate on me but also took utmost care of transmissions and hygene. 
3) He confirmed that he as the Doctor would create the incisions and conduct review throughout the process while his technicians would handle the rest of the show. 







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At the day of the surgery, they first injected me with the needless anesthetic which wasn’t completely painless. The technicians showed immense amount of patience in injecting me with Local AE following the needless to ensure I was completely numb. 
min came two more technicians and they continued to work on my donor area while I fell asleep. 
Following this process, I was provided some lunch and the news that they had been able to extract 4,057 grafts which was a healthy amount to generate a decent look. 
The next step of the process was more Local AE which to be fair wasn’t half as painful as the first round. 
Dr. Yilman then came around to perform the incisions which he did with the utmost care. 
his technicians followed in and confirmed that the hairline created would be very natural and they would layer it up first introducing the single layer grafts in the front and then gradually build with double and triple layer grafts. 
the procedure took 6 hours in total after which I was provided a vip transfer back to my hotel in the European side. 
the third day, I was picked up and brought in for my first wash and instructions on all the do’s and Dont’s which to be fair were fairly elaborate. 




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Day 6 post HT back in the UK. So far so good. In general I was quite happy with my process and the doctor has been following up daily with me requesting for pictures and updates. 
he reviews the pictures and confirms all looks good and went as to plan. 
my only unhappiness amidst this entire process is the fact that my crown area will still look empty. I clearly don’t have the courage or the bandwidth to undergo this process again. 






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  • 3 weeks later...
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It doesn't seem bad, the doctor's choice to work first on the hairline first by grafting only single-hair units (so I assume that they used microscopes to select the follicular unit), but I don't square the fact that the whole procedure lasted only 6 hours to extract, create channels and graft 4,057 follicular units.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/9/2021 at 2:12 PM, SamV7 said:

How is this coming along? 

So far so good! I have started to shed massively now and loosing all of the implanted hairs (which is part of the process) 

the doctors have remained in touch with me and have been reviewing my progress. 

i am not getting on finastride or minoxidil and hoping that I do well. 





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Yes correct. It’s post the first month so daily shedding is on. 
I have started to use the Mossi London kit which I bought post transplant. This contains two hair serums (one for the donor area and one for the transplanted area). Everytime I rub the oil into the transplanted area I am atleast counting 15-20 hairs shedding into my palm. 
I am currently on my 6th week now and I am eagerly waiting for week 12 when I can hopefully see some growth. 
will upload more pictures next week

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  • 4 months later...

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