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O Propecia Propecia wherefore art thou Hairline


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  • Senior Member

Hello all that read this,


I've signed up to Propecia!


so i hear you ask what's the big deal, well after researching hairloss (jeezs, anyone else hate that phrase?) i am actually going ahead and playing with the big boys toys.


ok, i asked my docotor about Propecia and like all good doctors told me to think about the pros and cons of taking such a drug (i have and about a gazillion times already), and of course had my best intentions at heart, i went a way without a prescription, but here i am in the magic land of internet and a proud owner of an 'on-line' prescription to Propecia aka wonder drug!


just had to post my first post that's all.


Any advice, comments and/or well anything will be lovely ta,


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id take proscar or generalised finestride in 5mg tablets.

Quatre the tablets everyday and take a quatre.

Thats 1.25mg finistride.

It works out about 50 quid a year that way, when compared too propecia which is well over 500 i expect.

i have bought dr.readys finasteride, DO NOT purchase finastiride from any canadian pharmacy site, or site claiming to sell propecia in 5mg doses. These are most likely to be fake, and you details will be put on the black market

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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Member

Ok, not quite 2 years, a few days short but before i use my 100th post on some random thread, i thought'd i'd go back to my original thread on this here forum.


It'll be 2 years in March that i've been taking Propecia, crickey those 2 years have flown.


The result? well, as i had wished, it's slowed it down if not stopped the hairloss, i really do feel that.


Looking at pics from 2 years ago i would say i've added a small amount of density, and when i say small i mean small and (gun held to my head) i'll say yeah it works, so there we have it.


Here's to the next 2 years and who knows what will be the case then ...Replicel ...Histogen ...Androgen ...etc etc ...we'll see...


Good luck guys, regards,


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