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Do the dr's really have to shave the area to do a transplant?

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  • Regular Member

I am prepared to do a hair transplant financially and was ready to deal with the pain that might be involved.


Presently I'm using couvre and toppik and I'm happy with my hairs look..


The problem is the hair lineup front is disappearing so I know I need to do a transplant sooner or later.


I know this sounds lame but I'm in field sales and don't want to shave the front part of whatever hair I have left leaving the area different then the rest of my hair after the transplant..


I would like to pay to have a transplant...but not have to stop using couvre and toppik to cover my NOW very thinning hair.


Couvre and toppik are working quite well but in the next year or so I believe I will have to stop using these products because the hair up front is disappearing..


I didn't realize there was a strip of hair noticably removed from the back of the head for the donor hair.


I realize I'm being ridiculous but this new look would have quite an impact on my consultive ability during my daily routine.


I hope my honesty is seen as refreshing and not obnoxious..


I've noticed many of you guys have taken a month off and then got a short hair cut.


I don't mind the short hair cut (buzz type) but I can't take a month off of work..


any chance I could do a lunch time small transplant like some doctors offer several times during a year (to avoid a strip removal that is noticable from donor area...and the doctor doesn't buzz the front part of the remaining hairs?


Can't the doctor just transplant hair in the area without shaving the rest of the naturally growing hair up front? and then I can continue to use couvre and/or toppik to cover the transplanted area?


Thanks in advance...and sorry if any of my questions seem ridiculous..


Thanks and btw..I'm in the NY metro area and could travel to either long island or NYC...


Just can't take off more than a weekend so I was hoping to do a friday transplant and then return to work Monday morning..



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  • Senior Member

Hey Jon,


It is my understanding that there are several factors involved here including your degree of hair loss and your doctor's preference. You may get better responses if you post a pic.


If you check out my blog you'll see that I had virtually no hair in the recipient area so there was no shaving necessary. The donor area remained longer in length. Dr. Alexander buzzes only the strip to be removed then closes the gap hair to hair. After the sutures were removed a week later the scar was fairly well concealed.


Hope this helps!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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