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Growth of hair PostOP and satisfactory result?

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Good morning community 👋,

i am looking for an approximate progression of how the transplanted hairs develop after surgery.

On my research I came across many different values of how many hairs should be grown per month e. g. For example, for month 6 PostOP 60-70% or even 40-50%. I am of course aware that it varies from patient to patient how exactly the hair grows and that it depends on whether one has been operated on in the front or in the back of the head.

Nevertheless Is there a good graph or report that shows the hair progression in the stastistic mean? Or can you report about your experience when (from which month) you were satisfied with the result?

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The general consensus is that by 3 months you should start to see some hairs breaking through, 6 months is considered to be the halfway point and then 12 months the full result(more or less). I can't speak from personal experience but having read through hundreds of reports I think generally it happens a bit quicker than this. I don't know whether techniques have just improved but I think most are seeing much more than 50% by 6 months nowadays, more like 75%. My impression is that months 4-6 are when the hair stats to "explode", after that it's just about the last few grafts growing in and the hair maturing/thickening. Still though it's always best to assume that 12 months is when you can safely judge whether it was a success or a failure. Hair placed in the crown also typically takes longer than hair placed at the front.

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