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Most probably more than one surgery?

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  • Regular Member

Friends - I read at several posts that people go for 2nd or 3rd surgery. Excuse me for this stupid question, but what is the probability that people do require second and in some case third surgery? Whats the reason, desire to have more hair on the head or generally people loose transplanted hair in 3-4 years after surgery and they have to go for HT to cover their scar..? Thanks again.

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  • Senior Member

There's really a multitude of factors that can influence a patient's decision to return for the follow-up procedure/s: the need for repair work, the desire for more coverage/density, scar revision, and progressive loss of native hair are all common reasons. However, you're typically not going to lose what was transplanted unless you have an unstable, thinning donor area, which is an issue that normally would be addressed during the consultation.


Generally speaking, unless the loss is minimal and the balding pattern completely stabilizes, or the person is a candidate for a huge megasession, there's a good chance that more than one surgery may be required, depending on the patient's age, budget, level of loss, his/her goals, and the overall restoration plan employed. Many of us have already committed to more than one transplant.


I'd argue that the probability is fairly high, since hair loss is unpredictable and most people are going to want to maximize their potential.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Regular Member

totally agree, youngsuccess, Thanks. My issues are - I keep my hair very short, Zero clipper. I am 27. I cannt see my hair falling. So dont know if my hair loss is stable or not. Secondly, my hair are very thin, even at the back so I think they are weak. If I have to go for second surgery at some stage, not sure if I will have enough hair at the donor area or not. So wanted to have different views on this. I have at tached a picture.


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  • Senior Member

Your donor area does appear quite thin to me, at least based on the angle of this photo. If you have any non-flash, straight-on shots of the back and sides, it definitely might help some of the other members/doctors make a virtual assessment.


This could be a major determinant in whether or not you're even a hair transplant candidate. Here's a video with Dr. Feller discussing some of the limitations of working with a less than optimal donor region: http://www.youtube.com/user/SSPEXX#p/u/8/IMKa3x6oaG0


But either way, I think a professional, in-person evaluation is definitely in order here.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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