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Shock loss leads to TE, with complications


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I'm 29 Y.O. male. I have recently (approx 3 months ago) had a shock loss which led to severe psychological shock for approx 2 weeks, severe stress for about 1 month, and ongoing stress after this.


I noticed quite suddenly (within 1 week) that my hair was falling more than usual, so its likely that this was the result of either ongoing stress prior to the loss, or undiagnosed MPB (see below).


Over the course of the last 3 months, however coming in quite heavily after about 1 month, I have noticed extreme shedding. After about 2 months, I had visible thinning.


About 2 weeks ago I visited a dermatologist who specialises in hairloss (works at a HT clinic) who was impressed with how much hair was falling, and how my hair had thinned over a short time. On top of the efflivum, i was diagnosed with MPB and prescribed regaine, some vitamins and propecia and also gave me injections directly into my scalp.


Prior to this event, I had thick hair, and only minimal visible thinning on my crown, with my hairline low and thick.


Now, after only 3 months, I have transparent "see-through" hair all over my head, however the thing that bothers me most is my hairline is now visibly more see-through and very thin.


I understand that TE can speed up MPB however I dont really understand how/why. My questions are


If my hair follacles hadnt already been affected by MPB (i.e. the majority of my head), should the hair re-grow as normal, notwithstanding the forced telogen stage?


For follacles which were somewhat effected by MPB (crown and to a very minimal extent frontal region), what would the forced telogen do to these? Is it possible that notwithstanding there was a healthy hair there prior to the TE, the hair that replaces it will be miniturized?


My fear, and whats difficult to understand/accept, is that I had a thick healthy head of hair 3 months ago with just a little thinning on my crown, and now my hair is really thin all over (id say 50% of what it was), and probably 30% left on my frontal hairline. Is there any way to predict what, if any hair, will grow back?

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