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is this normal side effects at the start of proscar.


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  • Regular Member

Ive been using it now for about 2 weeks 1 5th everyday and im going through a break up and that doesnt help things but ive lost a intrest in sex and orgasm arnt has good.

is this normal and should i carry on taking it for a little longer im sure doc said if you have slight side effects cont using it(will prob stop)

just a less desire for sex really.

i get erections less often but ok when erect.

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  • Senior Member

With finasteride, you never know what you're going to get.. It might go away after a month or so of taking it, and your body finds an equilimbrium, or it might not go away till after you stop taking the drug. Or if your like me it may never go away.


If it were me, i'd stick with it with or without the side effects going away, bc you can still get erections just fine as you say... It just depends wheather you want a high sex drive or keep your hair.

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