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recommended Doctor in Germany???


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Hello everyone!!


I am currently living in Germany. I am searching for a doctor for my hair transplant. Would anyone please recommend me a doctor. I found on the site and see Dr. Joerg Hugeneck. Anyone got an idea about Dr. Joerg Hugeneck?


Please help!!


Thank you,

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Hello everyone!!


I am currently living in Germany. I am searching for a doctor for my hair transplant. Would anyone please recommend me a doctor. I found on the site and see Dr. Joerg Hugeneck. Anyone got an idea about Dr. Joerg Hugeneck?


Please help!!


Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...


From my personal research and patient experience I cannot recommend a doctor in Germany. In the US or in Canada you will usually get twice as much in quantity and much better quality for the same price .

In Germany many clinics do not use microscopes, FU technology etc. Some are said to have introduced this technology recently but the question is how much experience they have etc.

I had one surgery with a doc considered among the best in Germany. Given the outdated technology, the result was not bad, but included some recipient area scarring... I had my 2nd procedure with Dr. Shapiro and got the above mentionned superior quantative and qualitative results including an amazingly natural look.

If you prefer to stay in Germany you should examine the methods and results of the doc in question very carefully.

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  • Regular Member



Not sure how far into your research you are but I have the same issue in that I live in Europe as well.


What I've learned so far is that national boundaries should not be a factor. The best (and often the cheapest) surgeons seem to be in Canada/US. There's a good looking surgery in Sweden but as yet it's relatively untested.


For the sake of the air fare, you would probably be better looking outside Germany - and doing considerable research prior to taking what would be a life-altering decision.

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You'll be already spending a few thousand dollars on the procedure. Another thousand for flight and hotel in Canada or US won't make a difference, and often times you can get partial or full refund of traveling expenses - it's a procedure that can change your life, so make sure you won't regret small savings down the road.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I had a good experience with the Moser Clinic (based in Vienna, Bonn, Berlin). They use the same FU approach as the top U.S. surgeons. Very professional. They are certainly worth a look.


Good luck.

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If you drop the word Moser on the German board its like a thousand bees comming out at once trying to sting you.

As a member of the German board I can say that many have serious complaints on Moser.

I will not give any comments on Moser because I have not seen any data that supports or denys the negative claims.

Fact is that many are complaining ... where there is smoke there is probably fire....

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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