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Receding Hair Line

Jeff M.

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I am wondering what is effective in stopping or reversing a receding hair line. It seems like most products are aimed at the crown hair loss. I'd say I'm around a NW3 with no crown loss, but I'd like the front to stop... I'd be content with a NW2. I also just moved to a warmer climate so I'm slightly concerned of shedding more rapidly.


My past; Hairline started receding quickly around 21, got on Nizoral which seemed to stop the issue completely for a few years. Slowly as I've inched up in my 20s the front has receded more, I bought Rogaine but never used it since it said only for crown loss. I did the bloodwork and got the prescription for, but never took Propecia after reading of all the negative side effects.


So I'm on 2% Nizoral which I use very lightly nearly daily, and am planning on getting on MSM. What else should I try to effectively battle the receding hair line?


Thanks in advance,


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It's not that these products are aimed at treating crown loss, it's that they are more effective in this region of the head and were tested for this area, and that's all the drug companies could legally claim in their marketing. I believe more recent studies have told us what many hairloss sufferers already knew, that rogaine and propecia can be effective for frontal loss. A minority do regrow hair at the hairline, and many more - perhaps a majority, I'm not completely sure - find that their hairloss is slowed down significantly by the drug.


Personally I never got on board with the rogaine as I didn't like the idea of applying it every night, and hairs gained while on it are dependent on continued use of the product.


It is true that some men experience side effects with propecia, but I believe you made a mistake by letting this stand in the way of trying it for yourself. Those who have a bad experience are always more vocal than the majority of us who continue to do fine on it.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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