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Pictures of before and after Propecia 9 months


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  • Regular Member

I tried to post the album version of this but its just a pain in the arse. I'll keep the pics at an average size to not take up to much space. Mods please adjust it rather than delete.


Okay kids before pics were taken with 10 megapixel and flash. I no longer have that camera. After pics are with my blackberry. Knit pick away but if you can't tell the difference then your an idiot. I got a lot of negativity from my first post so just keep it to yourself. If you don't believe the results come see for yourself in person. I'll be the 30 year old guy that looks 20 again. I'll more than likely be in the company of a female you wish you were with. But enjoy being a balding, negative cynic, that seems like its working out for you.


I'm putting this up for guys in my position 9 months ago. You feel like shite about yourself and you confidence is in the crapper. You hear people say , "Oh you shouldn't let it change how you feel". Yeah the people saying that are the ones with hair.

I found Dr. Jerry Cooley on here and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. He and Ailene Russel, his assistant, stayed until 7pm on a Friday afternoon. They both were insistent I use Propecia whether I get a transplant or not. She gave me 3 months for free and a script for more if I chose.

I also only take 3 pills a week and they are 1 milligram each. I strongly suggest you contact them. You will get a realistic outlook on what you can do and not do to combat this.









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  • Regular Member

hey livinthedream,

am glad u see the results. i actually had 2 times the result u are experiencing but do yourself a favor, just do a sperm test to confirm the count. i did during and after 1mg/every other day and i was shocked. my count went up from 10000 to 80000 and no sides....so hope u dont have them....

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