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5474 Grafts FUE-Plus Dr. Min-Seon Moon 18.07.2019


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after learning a lot what to consider for a hairtransplantation in this forum, I want to give something back to the community. I like this forum since I trust the results here. Before, I found lots of faked results on google and in other forums (although it is easy to identify that in this forum here are also some fake reviews).

I was looking for a good and affordable clinic and was a bit confused with the results here, sometimes I found good results and other times bad reviews about the same clinic. So I think there is no perfect clinic, it depends in the end always a bit on being lucky. But for finding a rather good clinic, this forum here can be really useful. After comparing clinics in Thailand, Turkey and India, I nearly decided for one of them. but then I remembered that beauty operations are quite famous in South-Korea and found there a good clinic (Dr. Min-Seon Moon from moplusps clinic, I used googe translator for opening their page in English language).


Here the most important things that I looked for in other reviews first, since it in the end always depends on the money:

I got a hair transplantation with 5474 grafts (5000 grafts were planned) and paid roughly 7000€ for it (the clinic takes care about that one can even get tax refund, so the final price is even cheaper), with a FUE transplantation and only my donor area needed to be shaved (the area where the grafts were planted didn't needed to be shaved).

Included in the price is:

- Hair transplantation itself

- laser treatment

- Blood test

- 1 meal during operation

- 1 night in a good hotel a 5 min walk away from the hotel (incl. breakfast)

- cloth cap

Needs to be purchased extra: - Medication (I paid 150€ in a nearby pharmacy for 3 days special treatment which I took 3 times a day, 3 Month daily treatment, shampoo, balm and a Cu-tripeptide spray)


Now to the operation itself:

The operation team is very nice. It seems as if the doctor takes much care of having a good atmosphere in his team, I felt very good during the whole operation and every team member was very caring and smiled a lot. They speak enough english for communication, but one should ask in advance for english documents which needs to be signed in prior to the operation (or use google translation and sign the agreements in Korean, what I ended up doing). A deposit payment needed to be done in prior to the operation for comfirming the operation date, full payment with foreign credit cards (even with AmEx) was possible after the operation was performed (in other clinics that I contacted, the whole payment often needed to be done much in advance and often only with limited payment options). The clinic is only doing one operation per day with a team of 5 nurses and the doctor, the doctor is performing every single step on his own and I was surprised that the whole operation only took about 5-6 hours for this big amount of grafts. The doctor is really fast.

One can choose local anasthtics  or 5 min full anasthtics because the local anasthetics itself are told to be painful. If you are not really winy then I'd recommend only the local application of the anasthetics since it is only a small stich and doesn't hurt that much and is over very soon. After Picking 4500 grafts, which took about 2 hours, I had a small break with nice food and then continued with the operation. FIrst the 4500 grafts were planted and then the doctor decided that more are needed and picked nearly 1000 grafts more which were planted afterwards directly. I heard from other clinics that the doctor suddenly wanted to have more money, which sometimes even needed to be transferred directly during the operation, in this case the doctor didn't demand a higher payment, which is really honorable I think. After that I got a cloth cap, so that nobody outside of the clinic knows that I got this operation.

If somebody wants to accompany you, they can stay in a room with a PC, internet and a bed while you have the operation. In my case, they even let the door open during the whole procedure so that the guest I brought could all the time come in and check for me, it was very friendly of the staff and I had the feeling that they don't have to hide anything.

After the operation was done, I needed to come back to the clinic the next day, where my head was washed and examined carefully. After that I received the laser treatment and I have the option to go back 2 weeks and 1 Month after the operation for after-checkups. I feel well cared and will go back in 1 week to let the transplantation examined.

Now I am hoping that the result of the transplantation will turn out as a was hoping, I will add pictures here soon.


I hope that my review can help some of you, which are also desperately look for a good HT clinic.

One more thing: I decided in the end quite fast for the transplantation, I am doing it right now during holiday time and stay a whole month in Korea. I made the transplantation reservation about 1 month prior to the operation, when I also booked all the flights and so on. So it is even possible to take the operation rather quickly. For Europeans, no Visum is needed for South Korea and the country is very safe ( I think even safer than Germany). I would further on recommend to arrive 3 days in advance to the operation in Korea, I arrived just the evening before and it was very exhausting...I underestimatd the operation a bit.



Edited by Haare
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