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I'm 19 years old and have thin hair due to a case of trichotillomania. luckily, i still have enough hair that i'm not too bad off but for a 19 year old, it's not in great shape. I also noticed some hair on my pillow recently which i wasn't a fan of. I'm more interested in preventing more hair loss than regrowing hair, but it would be nice to gel my hair up and have things look just a bit thicker than it is.


1. Can rogaine or propecia, or any minoxidil product have side effects on my hair growth if i started and then stopped taking it?


2. What are some good shampoos to use? the top three seem to be nioxin, nizoral, and revita.


3. Any other tips to keep the hair from thinning any further or possibly making it thicker?

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  • Senior Member

ummmm do you have baldness in your family? because if you don't you'll be wasting your time on the rogaine and propecia and so on....


if you do then yes, taking them and then just up and stopping will cause you to lose whatever they were helping you keep...


if you're only losing your hair cause you pull it out, then quit pulling it out. i'm a HEAVY perpetrator of that, so i understand that's waaaaay easier said then done, if anything i just trained myself to yank hair out of other places then the top of my head


if you don't have MPB then taking the meds to treat it won't do anything except take your money you could be spending on the more finer pleasures in life such as sorority girls' vodka (which at 19 is a tricky but awesome way to spend money...)


here's hoping you're not like me and realized way too late that you're pulling hair is ill advised... i have two spots near my crown that are more than a LITTLE more vacant than they should be

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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