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Best Female Hair Transplant

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Pooja Gupta


Hello. I would like to share my experience regarding hair transplantation with you all. I am a middle aged female and I have had severe hair loss which was absolutely unmanageable and tragic.

I ignored it at first thinking that it was normal hairfall and that my hair would come back. But eventually the skin started getting visible on my scalp. The density was few to none. The hairline was distorted and the midscalp was also empty.

I tried to take medications and other products and therapies to save them but to my horror, nothing worked.

I was always aware of the option for hair transplantation but I was not very comfortable going for it. Firstly, I had an impression that it would be an invasive thing to do. Secondly, there seemed to be too much research to be done before choosing the place to get it done.

However, the increasing baldness forced me to be proactive about my research and gathering of all information regarding what's good for my condition.

After a couple of months of searching, I found Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi. I was extremely scared of the procedure earlier. Even though I had most of my scalp empty, the doctors suggested to go only for 1000 grafts first. I decided to do that. They planted 1000 grafts in the frontal zone. They redid my hairline and increased the density.

Now, after almost a year of the procedure, I have extremely satisfying results. The best part about it is that it is most natural and free of any form of maintenance. As a female, the kind of fears I had regarding the procedure have proved to be useless and have no base.

Please have a look at some of my pictures. I am sure it can be helpful for most of you out there.



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