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Considering FUE transplant

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Need your help please. I am considering a FUE transplant. I think it is the right time as I now have very little hair left. My hair is pretty thin all over (diffuse) and my hairline is disappearing too now. I'm probably Norwood 5. Closest picture would be something like this (I probably have a little bit more than this guy) http://dhiglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/DHI-Result-40-before1.jpg


I have been using fibres for the last 10 years or so and its getting difficult now to use them without being noticed. I tried minoxidil but it gave me heart pain so I stopped. I have never tried propecia and I dont really want to.


With the transplant, my main concerns are:


1. Coverage/density. For someone who is thin all over on top, I'm guessing the general view is to get a good level of density for the front part, and then come back for a second transplant for the back? Instead of trying to cover as much in a single go?


2. My face/scalp gets oily after a few hours, would this effect a) the transplant procedure and b) the regrowth. It doesnt feel right if I go a day without washing it.


3. Can I still keep the little hair I have on top and only shave the donor region? I think I can pull off a high back and sides and at least this way, I can still use fibres after the transplant with my existing hairs. I would then look to wean off the fibres as my transplanted hair grows.


4. I spritz a bit of ACV on my scalp after showering. I feel this helps both my oily scalp and also gives my hair a bit of volume. Would this affect the transplanted hairs immediately post op?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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1. Yes

2. I don't believe so.

3. Depends on surgeon.

4. I wouldn't use it immediately postop.


Post some pics. Your donor area will dictate what you can do. It's also recommended to at least try propecia.

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1. Yes

2. I don't believe so.

3. Depends on surgeon.

4. I wouldn't use it immediately postop.


Post some pics. Your donor area will dictate what you can do. It's also recommended to at least try propecia.


Thanks. I will do.


Point no.3 - not shaving the recipient area - how exactly would the surgeon implant hairs amongst existing long hairs (although not many existing hairs!). Even if they did manage to, would shock loss affect the existing hairs making them fall out (apologies dont know too much about 'shock loss').

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