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Hello All,


Warm greeting to everyone.


About Me:


I am Sandeep from Chennai, India. I have been suffering from hair loss for the past 10 years since the transition of my teenage to adolescent cycle. I have already taken many different medications from Ayurveda, Alpecin to Minoxidil. None of them have met the expectations of mine wrt hair regrowth.


I have already lost a considerable amount of hair in the centre of my head (bald spot) and also in the front. I would say 40% of my hair is already lost and the remaining hair in the frontal area are also thin compared to the side and back of the head.




1) Based upon my research so far and from going through your profile I have zeroed in on two Doctors from India. Dr. Tejinder Bhatti for FUE and Dr. Radha Palakurthi for FUT technique. But I still struggle to choose which technique should I opt for FUE or FUT.

Any help on this is much appreciated?


2) Why Dr. Radha Palakurthi profile is not viewable in this website and also she is not listed under recommended doctors from India? Any reasons behind this?


I have attached my pictures along with this post. This would help you to access my current situation and for choosing FUE or FUT.


Eagerly awaiting for response from Senior members.


Thank you.






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