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Dr Vance Elliot - Sherwood Park, Alberta - Canada


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About a year and a half ago I had a FUT transplant done by Vance Elliot, before proceeding I searched for reviews but couldn't find any but went ahead with it anyway (big mistake), this is also the reason I'm making this post so that someone else looking for info might stumble across the review.


At my first appointment he fluffed my hair a little, told me I needed a laser cap, brand name propecia/rogaine, all which he would sell me, he claimed the generics wouldn't work. Looking back now I'm assuming this was so he could pocket more profit, I've now switched to generic Propecia and Kirkland rogaine, all of which work exactly the same as the more expensive brand name products. Then we booked an appt for a transplant, he told me 12k which would get me 4000 grafts. Few months later the big day came, in I went and everything got started. The first unusual thing I noticed was when the "doctor" was removing the strip, towards the end instead of carefully removing it he ripped it off, the force threw him back a good few feet. This was my first transplant but I'm assuming this is not normal. Second thing I noticed was Vance leaving the operation room for long periods of time leaving his assistant to do a large portion of the grafts, I paid for a surgeon to do a transplant, not an assistant so I wasn't really pleased with this. Lastly while stiching me up he had a foot up on the chair and made a reference to tying up a pair of skates, I didn't see the humour in it...


After the surgery things didn't go so well, all of the normal symptoms, pain/swelling for the first few days, tight scalp for a few months. At about 4 weeks the shock loss started, both in the recipient and donor area, I lost the majority of hair on my head and had a 1" line running ear to ear. I also had large scabs along the donor area before I got the stitches out, I didn't think much about it at the time but what had happened is he didn't stick it properly and it didn't hold so I'm not left with a really bad scar. What's worse is only approx 50% of the grafts took so it has a really unnatural look now.


I'm in the middle of researching a doctor to correct the scar and fill in some of the areas in the front where the grafts didn't take.

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sorry to hear. its a real shame today ppl still have to experience poor healing scars from FUT and now have to seek out an FUE doctor to repair them.


all the Pro FUT guys say.... "that was 15 years ago, no one has a bad scars these days". no its wasn't. its almost every day on this or another HT forum and not always the doctors fault either. some ppl just heal poorly. so its a true roll of the dice......


all the more reason the steer clear of FUT and save a little more money and go FUE.


yea...yea I know all the FUT guys are gonna jump into the argument and say "Look at my scar its looks great" yea well thats great but it doesn't help the thousands of others that are literally disfigured as a result.


20-30 years from now we will truly look back on FUT and label it as utterly Barbaric smh!


guy goes to get a HT with a perfectly scar-free noticeable head and leaves with a disfiguring scar on the back of his head. almost like someone took a huge chunk of flesh from the back out it and sewed it up.... oh wait thats exactly what they do.....:rolleyes:

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