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My experience with Dr Feller


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I had strip surgery in feb 2009, 3500 grafts.

I was very worried and relayed to the doc that my biggest concern was an un natural hair line.

It's now Nov 09 and i couldnt be more happier with my new hair. It looks amazing and so natural. No one can tell and when i had the staples removed, the nurse had commented on what an incredibly neat job he had performed and how well it had healed. Hair dressers cant believe it either, they've known people with transplants and they look a bit un natural at best.

The man is a genius and has changed my life and i wouldn't trust anyone else with such a massive procedure. I am now considering getting the crown down, don't fancy going through the operation again but the end result is definately worth it. I also really appreciated that when i had my pre op consultation, which was the morning of my op, he new exactly what i wanted to ask and more, i can't tell you how important it is to have someone that you feel understands your situation and addresses your concerns before you need to raise them.

You'll read on all these sites what an amazing job this man performs and the invaluable service Spex provides, but it really is the case.

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