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HT experience with Dr. David Seager


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There have been many regulars on this forum who have been a great help to me and now I hope I can help others. I prefer anonimity, though, so I won't be giving too many specifics. Background: I started noticing problems with my hairline when I was in my late teens. The hairs were very thin and they would stay short and wispy. By early 20s I was NW 3A, rapidly becoming NW4A. Through hard work, and a lot of time in front of the mirror, and styling products, I hid the problems as best I could. I am now into my 30s and over the past couple years noticed the crown thinning as well, so I am on my way to 5A, maybe even a NW6 (hopefully not!). And so I reached the crossroads, "balding guy" or transplant (no drugs yet but I got my finasteride prescription so I'm going to start that now, along with the MSM, and minoxidil temporarily).


I started reading/hearing about Dr. Seager and his all-FU technique some 7-8 years ago. I discovered this forum and other internet forums some months ago, and I remain shocked that there are other clinics in the world still practicing old techniques.


I have posted on this forum previously and I outlined all my reasons for choosing the Seager clinic, so I won't repeat them. Suffice it to say that what I hoped for was exactly what happened, and my experience was entirely positive. I had almost 2,900 FUs (approximately 6,600 hairs, although I think the number of hairs might actually be higher) transplanted to the front 1/3 to 1/2 of my scalp, with a density of ~40 FU/cm2, which is Dr. Seager's trademark one-pass session, and the procedure was extremely painless and dare I say fairly comfortable. The staff at the clinic is truly first class. I have read many posts on this forum about various clinics, including the Seager clinic, and I recall one in particular in which the poster suggested that HT surgical assistants and techs have "zero qualifications". Let me assure all of you that this idea is complete nonsense, at least as far as this clinic is concerned and other top clinics I'm sure. Anyone who touches your head or administers medication to you is a doctor (Drs. Seager and Simmons are class acts and true professionals in every sense of the word), or a trained nurse, or a trained surgical assistant, or trained in medicine in another country. Additionally, the entire staff has been trained extensively for years specifically in the techniques used at the Seager clinic.


As I said, the procedure went extremely smoothly. The only part I was not awake for was the cutting of the strip. I hardly slept the night before (and they said I should avoid caffeine) so once the hairline was drawn after a discussion with Dr. Seager, they turned on the IV sedative and it probably took about 4 seconds for me to fall asleep. I woke up maybe 1 or 2 hours later and everything was in full swing. Also, there were a couple of times where I heard specific requests for more "single-hair FUs" icon_cool.gif I opted for slightly higher hairline in favour of saving grafts to plant farther back; I am very comfortable playing it safe with a mature hairline (I was NW4A at 24 yrs old, I'll dance in the street with a dense mature hairline), and I figure if I have the donor later and my temple recession co-operates, I can lower it slightly or "flatten" it, as the case may be.


Post op was fairly uneventful. I had a really bad headache in the donor area the night of the surgery, but one shot of pain medication knocked me out and I felt great the next morning. I did suffer from quite a bit of swelling, but I was told this could happen and I took time off so it wasn't a big deal. During the procedure I metabolized the anaesthetic like a mutant (in general, I seem to be fairly resistant to medications ... I wish I was resistant to DHT but don't we all), so I required additional doses. I may thus be resistant to the anti-swelling meds. I had very little pain the day after surgery. The only medication I took was the anti-swelling pill in the a.m. and meds at night to help me sleep sitting up, and there was no itching in the recipient area. Word of advice, buy a travel pillow that wraps around your neck. They cost about $10 and it's are the best thing in the world post-HT. I also cut my nails and wore cotton gloves when I slept, just in case.


I am keeping track my progress with photos, which I may post in the future to give a decent before-and-after. I also have to edit the pics to obscure my face. Now it's just a matter of playing the waiting game. My plan is to have a second procedure within the next 12 to 24 months (we'll see how the meds go) - I am told that with my donor region I could easily have 2 more surgeries if I choose. I also think this has a lot to do with going with the Seager clinic, where they are committed to preserving your donor hair and minimizing scarring, but I think with my expecatations I'll be happy with two procedures and I can wait a long time for a third, if I ever decide to have it.


Thanks to all of you that have posted your stories, specific thanks to the Seager mentors (Olsen and Mire1954) and former patients on this site, and of course the entire staff at the clinic. I would wholeheartedly recommend the Seager clinic to anyone with a hair loss problem. You are in good hands, and I cannot speak highly enough about the doctors, the staff, and the whole experience.

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  • Regular Member

There have been many regulars on this forum who have been a great help to me and now I hope I can help others. I prefer anonimity, though, so I won't be giving too many specifics. Background: I started noticing problems with my hairline when I was in my late teens. The hairs were very thin and they would stay short and wispy. By early 20s I was NW 3A, rapidly becoming NW4A. Through hard work, and a lot of time in front of the mirror, and styling products, I hid the problems as best I could. I am now into my 30s and over the past couple years noticed the crown thinning as well, so I am on my way to 5A, maybe even a NW6 (hopefully not!). And so I reached the crossroads, "balding guy" or transplant (no drugs yet but I got my finasteride prescription so I'm going to start that now, along with the MSM, and minoxidil temporarily).


I started reading/hearing about Dr. Seager and his all-FU technique some 7-8 years ago. I discovered this forum and other internet forums some months ago, and I remain shocked that there are other clinics in the world still practicing old techniques.


I have posted on this forum previously and I outlined all my reasons for choosing the Seager clinic, so I won't repeat them. Suffice it to say that what I hoped for was exactly what happened, and my experience was entirely positive. I had almost 2,900 FUs (approximately 6,600 hairs, although I think the number of hairs might actually be higher) transplanted to the front 1/3 to 1/2 of my scalp, with a density of ~40 FU/cm2, which is Dr. Seager's trademark one-pass session, and the procedure was extremely painless and dare I say fairly comfortable. The staff at the clinic is truly first class. I have read many posts on this forum about various clinics, including the Seager clinic, and I recall one in particular in which the poster suggested that HT surgical assistants and techs have "zero qualifications". Let me assure all of you that this idea is complete nonsense, at least as far as this clinic is concerned and other top clinics I'm sure. Anyone who touches your head or administers medication to you is a doctor (Drs. Seager and Simmons are class acts and true professionals in every sense of the word), or a trained nurse, or a trained surgical assistant, or trained in medicine in another country. Additionally, the entire staff has been trained extensively for years specifically in the techniques used at the Seager clinic.


As I said, the procedure went extremely smoothly. The only part I was not awake for was the cutting of the strip. I hardly slept the night before (and they said I should avoid caffeine) so once the hairline was drawn after a discussion with Dr. Seager, they turned on the IV sedative and it probably took about 4 seconds for me to fall asleep. I woke up maybe 1 or 2 hours later and everything was in full swing. Also, there were a couple of times where I heard specific requests for more "single-hair FUs" icon_cool.gif I opted for slightly higher hairline in favour of saving grafts to plant farther back; I am very comfortable playing it safe with a mature hairline (I was NW4A at 24 yrs old, I'll dance in the street with a dense mature hairline), and I figure if I have the donor later and my temple recession co-operates, I can lower it slightly or "flatten" it, as the case may be.


Post op was fairly uneventful. I had a really bad headache in the donor area the night of the surgery, but one shot of pain medication knocked me out and I felt great the next morning. I did suffer from quite a bit of swelling, but I was told this could happen and I took time off so it wasn't a big deal. During the procedure I metabolized the anaesthetic like a mutant (in general, I seem to be fairly resistant to medications ... I wish I was resistant to DHT but don't we all), so I required additional doses. I may thus be resistant to the anti-swelling meds. I had very little pain the day after surgery. The only medication I took was the anti-swelling pill in the a.m. and meds at night to help me sleep sitting up, and there was no itching in the recipient area. Word of advice, buy a travel pillow that wraps around your neck. They cost about $10 and it's are the best thing in the world post-HT. I also cut my nails and wore cotton gloves when I slept, just in case.


I am keeping track my progress with photos, which I may post in the future to give a decent before-and-after. I also have to edit the pics to obscure my face. Now it's just a matter of playing the waiting game. My plan is to have a second procedure within the next 12 to 24 months (we'll see how the meds go) - I am told that with my donor region I could easily have 2 more surgeries if I choose. I also think this has a lot to do with going with the Seager clinic, where they are committed to preserving your donor hair and minimizing scarring, but I think with my expecatations I'll be happy with two procedures and I can wait a long time for a third, if I ever decide to have it.


Thanks to all of you that have posted your stories, specific thanks to the Seager mentors (Olsen and Mire1954) and former patients on this site, and of course the entire staff at the clinic. I would wholeheartedly recommend the Seager clinic to anyone with a hair loss problem. You are in good hands, and I cannot speak highly enough about the doctors, the staff, and the whole experience.

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