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Working a Physical Job after an FUT procedure

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I had an FUT procedure done in January. I am now just about 5 months post op. I have the opportunity to earn more income working a physically demanding job, but am concerned that it may affect the transplant. This concern centres around two areas.


1. I've read a lot about exercise and doing physical work following an FUT procedure. It seems like most doctors recommend that one can return to lifting heavy weights or doing physical work 1 month after surgery (The clinic where I had the surgery performed also recommends 4 weeks for physical activities and 8 weeks for contact sports). It sounds like the most important concern here is stretching the donor scar. However, I've also read that it can take up to 6 months for the donor scar to more or less heal. I know that everyone heals differently, but does anyone have any experience/advice as to how careful one should be with regards to physical exertion?


2. The second concern centres around performing physical work on a daily basis (landscaping, construction work etc.) and how wearing something on your head might affect the transplanted grafts. Does wearing a sweaty ball cap all day pose a threat for the build-up of bacteria and the possibility for infection? What about a hard hat and the rubbing of the plastic straps used to support it on one's head? Would the rubbing and pressure from these straps on the recipient area lead to poorer results? I have to imagine that there are a few firefighters, construction workers, motorcycle riders, who have an FUT procedure done, and am wondering how they cope.


I have come to read that the magic mark is 6 months after an FUT procedure and that after this time, concerns about infection and what a person could do to limit growth diminish quite a bit. However I don't know how valid this belief actually is though. I apologize for the long drawn-out questions, but if you have read this far and feel like replying, it would be much appreciated.



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