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Dr. Diep??


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I wish I was more public with my HT and provided pics.. Im just that type of person who is private and don't want people to know i got it done. The reason why I love Dr Dieps work is that no one knows i got it done. Its so natural and dense. I got about 1700 FUE and it was just in my temples.


When i realized i was receding I had to do something about it! I honestly thought all the videos online were fake and marketing scheme to take your money.. Boy was I wrong..


I recommend Dr Diep only bc he is the only doctor i got a HT from. overall HT work and its amazing.. Id maybe stay away from a chain HT place like Bosley.. seek a professional with good credentials. Research !


As for price it depends on how many grafts you get and if its FUE or FUT.. Like i said i got 1700 FUE and i spent about 13k.. well worth the money!

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