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FAST growth shampoo after HT


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  • Regular Member

Hi, Talking about uses of shampoo means the dandruff which is the result of dry scalp or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. There are several reasons of causing this such as eczema, psoriasis or very commonly, an overgrowth of yeast like fungus namely malassezia.

So to have a healthy hair we can go for the most reliable tips which is even available in the home practices

Tea tree oil: 5 % tea tree oil is significant improvise the severity of dandruff.

Baking soda : Apply handful baking soda on your wet hair vigorously into your scalp skip shampoo & go right to rinsing.

These are the natural tips for prevention of hair dandruff and get rid of most of the hair itchiness !

Hopefully this tips are useful to you!

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