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Some of you may have read my post, "to cut or not to cut"... I went to my favorite $10 cut place this weekend and talked to the woman about just using clippers and what length of hair each attachement left. After a 3 minute disertation on each one, I asked her to use the #6. Just so you all know, I haven't had my hair this short since my stint in the Navy 22 years ago. As drastic of a change in appearance as it seemed to me looking in the mirror. None of my 140 peers or boss's had anything to say. No strange looks, no comments, nothing.


I have been worrying about this exact issue for about a month now and it was all for nothing. So, now I am 9 days away from my visit with Dr. Epstein in Miami and really getting excited. I won't have pictures to post before the end of the month, but will try and have some taken on the cruise and when I get back so that it can be well documented.


Thanks for all of your support and emails with encouragement. icon_cool.gif

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Some of you may have read my post, "to cut or not to cut"... I went to my favorite $10 cut place this weekend and talked to the woman about just using clippers and what length of hair each attachement left. After a 3 minute disertation on each one, I asked her to use the #6. Just so you all know, I haven't had my hair this short since my stint in the Navy 22 years ago. As drastic of a change in appearance as it seemed to me looking in the mirror. None of my 140 peers or boss's had anything to say. No strange looks, no comments, nothing.


I have been worrying about this exact issue for about a month now and it was all for nothing. So, now I am 9 days away from my visit with Dr. Epstein in Miami and really getting excited. I won't have pictures to post before the end of the month, but will try and have some taken on the cruise and when I get back so that it can be well documented.


Thanks for all of your support and emails with encouragement. icon_cool.gif

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  • Senior Member

This has been discussed before, but is worth repeating. We forget that what goes on inside our own heads is particular to us, and others have heads full of their own concerns.


In my own case, I was a NW5, totally bald on top, and cut my remaining hair shortish (anything else looks crappy, methinks ).


Then had a 3,500 FU session. So on returning home, my bald head now had this scrub of 1/4 inch stubble all over it. Duing the first week I laid low under the baseball cap ( and behind wraparound shades, as my eyes were swelling up like Porky Pig's ).


Then I "came out" but said nothing to friends and neighbours, and NOBODY NOTICED. In time, as the grafts mostly stayed in, they've grown to about an inch all over the top, and NOBODY HAS NOTICED. I've had to TELL people I've had an HT.


We think they're watching our every corner, when in reality they're preoccupied with masses of their own thoughts and worries. . . .


The Buddha said: "we make the world with our thought" ....icon_cool.gif

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