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Hey guys, I wanted to share and recommend my experience for a great hair transplant clinic located in Nicosia, Cyprus, Called HDC.


I’m 35 years old. I started losing my hair at around the age of 27 or 28. Starting gradually from my temples, and slowly affecting the front.


I went through the usual processes – shampoos, rogain and minoxy – which didn’t help at all. Let alone that they don’t work on the temples, they are very expensive, and as you know, its effect stops as soon as you stop using the product. I considered propecia for a while but decided to avoid for the exact same reason, along with having heard of all of its downsizes.


After serious considerations and money thrown away, I decided to go with the hair transplant.


After surfing endlessly on line I found the names of the good doctors spreaded across the globe, none of which are in my hometown.


The doctor I went to eventually did an overview and it stated that I needed about 3,000 grafts to bring my hair back to how I wanted it. Of Course I didn’t expect such high prices. Fue wasn’t still a standard back in those days, so he recommended FUT, to match my budget. I was tempted to, but decided that I will do it gradually without scarring myself, and start with only 1,000 grafts, in the FUE method, only in the temple area. The charge was about 5 Euro per graft.


The procedure itself went ok, and the transplant worked, but the density wasn’t that high, and the hairline of course wasn’t natural looking, which made me skeptical about coming back for the remainder of the process. I couldn’t afford another transplant that wouldn’t do it. I tried PRP, which of course is a total scam. At the time it was published as an experimental method with good results, but doctors had no problem over charging for something that didn’t work.


At that point I came across a post on a Forum about HDC. I wouldn’t tell that guy’s story because it’s a long one, but I was convinced and decided to go for it. Their prices seemed fair (3.2 euro per graph), their density abilities are 75 grafts per square centimeters, and the Doctor is really good.


The idea is that they pay back your flight expenses, and host you in one of their apartments, located across the clinic, during you recovery. You get shampooed daily, and they are near by for every question or problem.


We set up a meeting with a guy that flew in to meet me, and did everything online.


They recommend 1800 grafts for what I wanted, but my budget only allowed me another 1,000, In addition to that I didn’t really want the change to be too visible. So that’s what we did, and I kept the option of adding some later if I wanted too.


The process went great, everything was super professional, the staff is really kind and the results speak for themselves.


They easily fixed the hairline to match the previous transplant.


2 years later, I decided to come back and make my hairline lower. Just came back, waiting for the results.


In total I had a 1000 with the first clinic, and 2300 with HDC


I’ve attached some pics with the process results, and a link to their website.


HDC - Hair Transplant, Restoration and Treatment Centre


I’m not an expert on every method there is and every Doctor available, all I know is that clinic and I highly recommend it.




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