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1945 grafts with Dr. Tejinder Bhatti

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Hello All,


This forum helped me find surgeons for my transplants, and I thought it was time to give back. Please feel free to PM with questions.


I had my first transplant when I was 25, approximately 1300 grafts from a very popular surgeon in Minnesota. 18 months post procedure I was disappointed with the growth and the conservative hairline - I did have budget constraints (most do), but I expected a little more off of 1300 grafts. The other concern was very minimal involvement by the lead doctor through the entire procedure - extractions, plantations etc. was all done by technicians, nothing that I am against but something that I look back at and feel I should have gotten more clarification of from the start. In fairness, I also understand that there is always risk in the amount of growth with these procedures.


Regardless, I decided in 2013 that I would need another procedure, but was passive about it - primarily due to cost. I reached out to the surgeon I had used, but couldn't go through with it. I then came across Dr. Bhatti - and read nothing but rave reviews, apart from seeing superb results - my mind was set.


It has been five days since my procedure, and I am extremely happy about the hairline, and the way the procedure went. The staff was kind, Dr. Bhatti is an artist and takes the time to answer questions sincerely (no matter how trivial they may seem) and the technicians were great in planting the grafts. I had minimal pain during the procedure (a little when the numbness had worn off and we needed 75 more grafts from the donor - Dr. Bhatti rectified immediately by extracting from another area and numbing further)


Another thing that has stood out to me has been the post-surgery care instructions - very thorough. Finally, at a fraction of the cost per graft, I couldn't have asked for a better value for an FUE procedure.


I will also use this thread to post pictures and updates - I look forward to keeping you all posted on my progress.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome and thanks for sharing your experience and photos! Please continue to update us on your progress.


Happy Growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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