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I'm day six after and FUT hair transplant procedure.


I should point out that I am not losing my hair and I opted to have the procedure as I had a very high hair line. this meant I have always had a fringe covering my forehead as I was very self conscious about it.


I have returned to work and my colleagues have commented that my hair looks shorted and my fringe looks higher. No one is aware I have had the FUT procedure. I must admit when I looked in the mirror I felt I looked different and all the comments this morning have confirmed this. I'm now worried that the transplant and donor area have pulled my scalp back even further, thus pushing my hair line back even further than it was before the procedure.


Is this possible and will it correct itself? I'm really worried as the whole point of surgery was to correct it not to pull my hair line back further.


any advice would be much appreciated.


Thanks. :mad:

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  • Senior Member

I agree with Spex. Give yourself time to recover from surgery before assessing your appearance.


The scalp is very elastic. When a strip is removed and the wound closed the stretch is spread over a large area. It would not pull your hairline higher.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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