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Crusts/Scabbing 2-Weeks Post OP

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Read these forms for quite sometime, finally decided to make an account.


I'm two weeks post op and have followed all the instructions my surgeon gave me to a t. Today was the first day I was told I could massage the recipient area and let the shower run over it. I had assumed from the look of them that the moment I stepped under the water all the scabs would rise off- they look like they would crumble and flake under my touch. But it doesn't seem to be the case. They're much harder than they looked, and none really broke free. Massaging them just feels like I'm shifting little tectonic plates of scab.


It sucks seeing many others post op images with nearly all the scabbing gone by this point. I suppose I'm just looking for reassurance that this is normal.

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  • Regular Member
Sucks worse when you start shedding. You get used to those new hairs.


I understand what you mean, but I almost want them shed so that I can be at the next step already. I mean, I knew it was an inevitability.


I'll try soaking my head tonight though. Thanks!

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