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Transplanted hairs in misplaced angles. How severe is this problem?

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  • Regular Member

Based on threads in this portal I have come across conclusion that two most dreaded complications in recipient area are:


1. low yield of transplanted hair follicles; and

2. hair follicles not transplanted in right angles


In this thread I want to focus on the second issue where hairs could end up being transplanted in unnatural angles:


1. Can you point me to a quality picture where Hair Transplant surgery is considered as failed due to hairs being misplaced in wrong angles?


2. How severe is this problem? Can you mitigate it with messy hairstyle? In that case this would not be an issue for someone in his twenties.


3. How this problem could be fixed permanently? Are there non-surgical solutions that work similarly like dental braces (e.g. by wearing a tight hat overnight for extended period that would readjust hair angles)? Any other solutions employed?

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I haven't seen the out come of mine yet. I am at 14 days. I know Dr. Gabel leaves the the hair in the grafts a bit longer so he can get an idea on how the hair grows. He did mention some of my two hair grafts were growing like a "Y". It didn't surprise me because the back of my hair does crazy wavy stuff. I think most experienced clinics have better results from what I can see.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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  • Regular Member
I haven't seen the out come of mine yet. I am at 14 days. I know Dr. Gabel leaves the the hair in the grafts a bit longer so he can get an idea on how the hair grows. He did mention some of my two hair grafts were growing like a "Y". It didn't surprise me because the back of my hair does crazy wavy stuff. I think most experienced clinics have better results from what I can see.


Yeah, it would be interesting to see pictures where hairs are growing in misplaced angles. While this is one of the most often mentioned problems, I can't find any quality pics that demonstrate issue.


Also, you just brought a valid point that results may vary from person to person:

1. if patient has wavy hairs in the back (donor area) and straighter hair in the front (recipient area) or vice versa then this would require more effort from doctor to align hairs.

2. Also, I think that crown restoration (whirl pattern) would be harder than just the frontal hairline restoration (where all hairs more or less point to the same direction).

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  • Senior Member

I have very wavy hair especially in the back and despite the relatively crude techniques used in the 90's to my amazement the wave pattern in the recipient frontal area looks quite natural. Even the recently implanted beard hairs placed in my occipital scar seem to have grown in conformity to the surrounding hair. I think more of a problem are grafts that are placed at too much of an obtuse angle in areas where they should be acute. This can be overcome if not too egregious by adding more density with subsequent grafts which are correctly oriented.

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