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First contact?

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I am new to the forum and I would like to say how nice of a forum it seems to be. Helping to de-stigmatize hair loss and providing people with a place to go for advice and support is a great idea. I'm hoping to benefit from the forum's collective wisdom as well.


I would like to know who I should first speak with (GP, hair loss consultant, etc) in regards to my thinning hair. It has been thinning (albeit minor) for 4 years now. It is only in one spot and my hairline doesn't seem to be changing that much. It is noticeable to me and I think that I need to start being proactive. There are so many people out there that specialize in hair loss remedies that it is difficult for newbies like me to separate the wheat from the chaff. So I would really like to know what people think. Is it worth it to speak to my GP first? Do I make an appointment with one of the forum recommended specialists? I am south of London so that would be relatively easy for me.


Apologies if this is a vague or non-descript thread, but I'd really like to find out what someone's first point of contact should be. I'd be awfully annoyed with myself if I booked an expensive consultation somewhere if I did not need to.


Any and all advice is appreciated.


Thanking you in advance...

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  • Senior Member

Welcome DrNBC!


I recommend consulting our interactive map for our recommended clinics in the UK. Hair transplant surgeons can recommend the appropriate medical or surgical treatments that best suit your needs. Typically, starting out with Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil) to stabilize hair loss and regrow hair is recommended prior to undergoing surgery.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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