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Dr. Devroye


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As this forum helped me to finally find a trustworthy and great professional - Dr. Devroye - to get my hair back, I thought I'd put my own experiences on here to hopefully help someone else.

Like a lot of others, losing my hair was something I became more and more worried & frustrated with and it became an obsession for me.


I first saw an advert for Advanced Hair Studio at the back of some news papers and also saw a TV advert for them, with many former famous cricket players boasting how great Advance Hair Studio were. When I went for a consultation, I was quickly talked into having a "new type of hair restoration", which sounded too good to be true. Unfortunately it was a complete waste of money and what they told me was a bunch of lies. They basically shaved the centre of my hair off and glued a wig on. Believe me, I was not explained this at all. This is what famous ex cricketers like Graham Gooch have, which I still can't quite get over. Every month after, the 'wig' is taken off, your hair is shaven again and the wig is stuck back. After I complained that this wasn't what was explained to me, I was very quickly discarded by them and phone calls and emails were ignored. I wish I read the small print properly and also wish I carried on with my complaints to at least get some of my money back.


A couple of years later, I was recommended by my barber to D.H.I. Global. At the consultation, I explained what I wanted done (part of this was that I didn't want my hair shaven as I didn't want anyone at work knowing what I had done) and agreed on having a 'small session'. I had to wait 3 hours after my appointment time until I was seen and was told 5 minutes before the procedure that I couldn't have my temple area completely how I wanted it as they insisted it wouldn't look right. I had an F.U.E. and had 900 grafts done. I can't complain as they put hair where it was lost but the hair was too spaced out and you could still see my scalp quite easily. After a year had passed, I went back for the 12 month check up and asked them if it was possible to have temple areas done how I wanted in the first place, which they did for more money. Again, 5 minutes before the procedure, I was told they wouldn't do the area I wanted done, even though I told them it was agreed and had photos of where I was asked to draw the area at the consultation. 2 doctors also contradicted themselves regarding the after care by telling me to put full pressure on the grafts after just 3 days when washing, while another said 9 days. But, to be fair they put hair (700 grafts) where there wasn't, albeit spaced out.


Then, I did some research and also came across a few forums. Dr. Devroye's name kept coming up and every time, the results from other people were really good. I got the Euro Star to Brussels to have a consultation, and I felt really at ease. He was honest with me about having to at least cut my hair short if I didn't want it shaved in order to get the best result and the optimum amount of grafts (3,100 grafts). Also, so that I wouldn't have to keep having more procedures done.

A few months later, I got the Euro Star (?110 there and back) back to Brussels to have it done and I'm finally satisfied. The whole team couldn't do enough for me. Without a doubt, it was the best transplant I've had done and I definitely recommend them.


I hope this helps someone else with similar problems to me. Make sure you don't get conned like I did at Advanced Hair Studio - people like that are just after your money and don't care.

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