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300 FUE into old FUT scar with Dr Feriduni


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Not going to go fully into the whole process as Spex has already done an excellent report of visiting Dr Feriduni etc. but after years of having to live with some very questionable grafts from Hospital Group in my hairline and the fear of a scar never going to be filled i finally decided to go with it last year and book up. yes it is a long time to wait for an appointment for Dr Ferduni, but I think thats a good thing. Gives you time to really consider everything. And seeing how good Feriduni and his whole operation I can see why he is so busy.


If you are considering Dr Feriduni I would highly recommend just based on my experience so far, not even the end results, but there is enough of that here already to prove his skills. I decided to drive down to Belgium via the Eurotunnel. this meant I didn't need to deal with trains, planes or boats in public view. I didn't have to get out of my car for the whole tunnel process. it took me 2hours 45mins on the other side to get to the hotel recommended, which has great rooms.


my goal for the day was to fill my old FUT scar, just in case I can't beat the who MPB process and one day have to shave back fully. Plus for work I need it short but am always worried when getting a hair cut if they go too short. Additionally I wanted to either fill in my hairline with some new grafts and disguise the dodgy old Hospital Group ones, OR just remove the old grafts. Dr Feriduni talked at length with me in the morning about it. yes he runs a business, but he really has ethics at his key element. He said if I am in any doubt he would not do it. He also advised sleeping would be a nightmare as I'd have new grafts front and back, so wouldn't be able to sleep without perhaps dislodging some grafts. he is really aware that his last patient is his best marketing tool, and well, here I am....


The only thing I wasn't too keen on was the way he only shaved the back of my head, but based on the act he wanted to spread the donor area out and also needed it short for placing the grafts I understood. Also he said this way I still look as people remember me from the front, and within 10 days or whenever the shaved area grows enough a hair dresser can give me a cut that can smooth it all together a bit better. We will see. I am tempted to just shave all it off. But I know that my hair is especially fine on top even before MPD kicked in. So would take a while to grow the coverage back. time will tell what best option is.


Basically this whole operation was to undo what the Hospital group did years ago, when really they should have told me to come back in 5 or 10 year time and take meds in the meantime.


Anyway, here are pre op, op and post op photos. Looking at the placements really zoomed in on the original files you can see how well everything is lined up with the other native hairs.


Just going into a dark cave for few weeks now!


300 grafts, 60 taken from the poor Hospital Group work, the rest from the back.


And worth noting Dr Feriduni is a great guy, knows how to set the tone perfectly, and also likes a laugh!









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Been asked via PM for some idea of what the front looks like and recovery time. These photos are before any shampooing etc has been done apart from the Day 1 by the clinic. I am amazed how quickly FUE extractions are healing. Hoping within few days they will be unnoticeable from few metres away from the front.


At the back the new grafts also seem to be bedding in well.


I have done nothing other than regular vitamin spray and yesterday started the Aloe Vera. I can see that from applying the Aloe vera some of the very loose scabs have already been knocked off. Still sleeping on front, so they haven’t had any heavy pressure on them etc.


the only thing to note is that due to sleeping on front the face swelling was quite excessive. yesterday morning my eyes were closed around the nose bridge. thankfully this is dying down already.




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day 12. The scabs have almost all come off and just some redness around the grafts. Hoping this will die down soon or my other hair will grow over it enough to cover it fully. Either way its been a smooth process, just looking forward to get back to normality!



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