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FUE and treatment advice

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Hi, Newbie here. I'm a late 30's Asian male and didn't seriously start treating my hair loss until a year ago. I believe my hair loss is a combination of genetics and may have been accelerated the past 5-6 years due to stress.


My Hair Treatment Protocol:

Propecia (1 year of low dosage: 0.5mg EOD)

Brushing scalp with a soft boar's bristle brush (1 year)

Nizoral 1 and 2% (on and off for 1-2 years)

LLLT helmet (just started)

Biotin scalp creme (1 year, no longer use)

I also recently started applying a variety of oils on my scalp such as Polysorbate 80, Emu Oil and Coconut Oil. (Not at the same time)


My scalp used to be very itchy, which I've read is a sure fire sign of baldness, but since I've been brushing my scalp daily and applying biotin scalp creme, it is in much better shape and no longer inflamed/itchy. Although I notice a number of hairs shed each time I brush.


I've attached a few photos to give you guys an idea of where I'm at. I've had to shave my head for several years now as when I grow it out my hairline is very uneven with the right side having receded significantly more than the left.


I plan to get a hair transplant (FUE) in the next 6-12 months and in the meantime I'll continue my protocol with potential tweaks. (I'd love to get it sooner, but we're not all financially able) I know LLLT is controversial still, but I believe it's a worthwhile investment for me and I'm hoping that along with the propecia it will help increase my hair density, decrease hair loss and hopefully regrow some hair in the interim. Believe me I'm not expecting miracles and mainly want to hold onto what I have until the FUE.


Anyway, I'd appreciate any thoughts or comments on my current treatment and any advice on FUE and what results I should expect based on my current hairline. Based on the same photos attached, I've been quoted by one reputable clinic that I would need approx 1,500 grafts and that I appear to be a Norwood 3. But looking online at other before and after pics, I may want to do more grafts if that's an option.






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Welcome! By taking Propecia, you're already using the best medical hair loss treatment available. The rest of your regimen may or may not be the icing on the cake. As you are already aware, LLLT is not really proven to regrow hair but it certainly can't hurt. One effective treatment that is noticeable absent from your list if Rogaine. Given the low cost of minoxidil foam in generic form, why not try it. It is the only other clincially proven and FDA approced non-surgical hair loss treatment.


In terms of hair transplant surgery, I don't personally like to advise on graft numbers becasue there are so many factors invovled, including personal preference. However, I think that 1,500 grafts to your hairline would make a noticeable improvement.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hey David, thanks for the reply. I've read a little on Rogaine and I might consider using it, but had some hesitation due to potential sides and not wanting to put a greasy substance in my hair daily (although I do put in oils). There's also the financial implications. That said I finally took the plunge on propecia, which I held off for years on, which was a mistake, but I'll take another look at Rogaine. Thanks.


Based on my pictures, do you think my hairline is similar to this guy's? To my eye, it seems we are fairly similar: Hair Restoration Journal for hankchinaski - 1 hr post surgery


He had 1,500 grafts and is about to do another surgery.

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Try Rogaine Foam or a generic minoxidil foam. These products are fast drying and non-greasy. I quit using liquid years ago and will only use a foam.


In my opinion, your hair appears very similar to the example you linked to. Bear in mind that some of his post-op pics are with concealer.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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