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post op questions: week 4- forever

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  • Regular Member



I am at 4 weeks post op. My transplanted grafts are slowly falling off on top of shock loss.


I have been trying to find answers to a few questions and I havent been able to get a clear answer. There is contradicting information of different portals.


1. When can I color my hair? I intend to color my donor area and sides only, not the transplanted area as of now.


2. Can I start using rogaine on my transplanted area? I use the foam.


3. How does one deal with scalp dryness? My doc tells me not to use any oils for massaging and mentioned that I can use Aloe vera in the donor area. He says oils might stunt growth. Wasnt sure if this was accurate.



Any advise on the above questions would be great.


Will be posting a blog about my journey.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hi venkz111


I'm about 5 weeks out from my op and had basically the same questions as you. this is what I was told:


1) after day 10-13 you can cut, colour, style your hair as you normally would.

2) I use Minoxidil every day except for the 10 days after my surgery. My doctor told me after day 10 it was ok to start applying it again.

3) If you were told not to use oils then you should consider your doctors advice, however I was given olive oil by my doctor to apply after day 10 and also used a PH balanced moisturiser without any fragrance or perfumes in it.

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