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Hi, I'm 22 yrs old and had a bad stint with jaundice 2 yrs back. I have been suffering from hairloss ever since. the loss isn't noticeable but it is there. I went to a dermatologist 2 days back and he told me that I'm suffering from MPB. I'm in the initial stage. he advised to us minoxidil 5%, finasteride, keraglo forte. He told me that the hair I lost will start growing back and it will stop further hair loss. I wanted to knw that will I retain the amount of hair I have currently in the coming years or will I go bald like my dad if I follow the mdeication course he advised. I'm really depressed due to this. icon_frown.gif

also he advised me a shampoo by the name of sebolac to use twice week. I wanted to knw can I use regular shampoo or I have to use on;y Sebolac twice a week and can't shampoo more than that??

also what would be the proper method for applying minoxidil 5%.

And would thw shedding begin after I start use of minoxidil. its been 2 days since i started use.

Hoping you guys can help me out. icon_smile.gif

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You might regrow some of the lost hair, but the drugs are far better at maintaining what you have than regrowth, so don't expect to. If it isn't noticeable yet then I would really advise you to try and stop worrying. You've caught it early and you do stand a good chance of putting a halt to, or significantly slowing, the hairloss.

I am assuming that Sebolac is the shampoo commonly known as Nizoral, which is a mild anti-androgen. It's good that your derm knows about this. Studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that it can help. There's no reason why you shouldn't use regular shampoos on the days when you don't use that.


Not sure about the minoxidil - I haven't tried it.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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thanks for replying Matt. so I can use regular shampoo too...heh, I was getting annoyed with not being able to shampoo daily.


so anyone else with good advice for a newbie. icon_smile.gif

is there a diet I need to follow. my derm didn't advise anything else except for the meds and said to come back next month and that I'd go through shedding for a month due to the meds. He also said that this course would go from 6 months to a year and that I have to take some of these meds for life.

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