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Questions about future hair transplant - 27 year old male

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Hi everyone.


I am a Norwood 2A currently on the Norwood scale and am looking at doing further research on hair transplants for the future when I require them.


I am unable to take finasteride due to severe side effects but nonetheless will want to explore the hair transplant route.


In terms of my hair loss, I can feel the areas of my scalp which may be susceptible to MPB due to these areas being inflamed. The inflamed areas are the whole top of the head and also parts of the back of the head below the occipital bone. When I was on finasteride, these inflamed areas went away.


I can feel an area of width 4 - 5 cm which extends around the back of my head which is completely free of any inflammation. I am confident that these hairs will never be susceptible to MPB. The area is around the occipital bump and above, but a bit below the crown of the head. As I stated, the area below the occipital bump feels inflamed so I am not confident all these hairs will be insusceptible to MPB.


My question is, based on this area of my head which will be insusceptible to MPB, how many grafts could I look at getting over multiple procedures? Would I still be able to get around 10,000 grafts of the course of a few procedures?


In terms of family history, I feel I am following my Dad's pattern. I examined his loss closely and he has lost hair in all the areas that I feel the inflammation but he has managed to keep a fair amount of hair still considering his age (he is over 70). He has very adequate hair on the back and sides - nonetheless, on close observation, he has a little bit of thinning it seems in the area below the occipital bone on the back of the head. But it is only very minor and it is only when his hair is cut short and I study it that I can tell. Overall, I would say he has more than an adequate amount of hair at the back and sides for a lot of grafts for a transplant.


So I am confident that for me, I will always retain a decent amount of hair despite the fact I will thin out a lot all over my scalp (and a little bit below the occipital bump, but not an aesthetically significant amount).


Therefore, based on all this. If I were to have a zone of my head which is absolutely irresistible to MPB of about 4 -5 cm width extending all around my head, how many grafts could I get out of this in total over a few procedures? (Keeping in mind that whilst I may feel inflammation at the back of my head below the occipital bone, this hair shouldn't thin out too badly aesthetically).

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  • Regular Member

Hi Snell , At your age I was about same level 2a . I,m now 50 much more advanced than 2a soon too have first hair transplant . You still have lots of time on your side . Over the last 8 years have at times used a laser and put apple cider vinegar in my hair . I don't notice much change myself . But strange have people say too me are you growing your hair back . Apple cider is cheap too start with . Hope I helped .

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Hi Snell , At your age I was about same level 2a . I,m now 50 much more advanced than 2a soon too have first hair transplant . You still have lots of time on your side . Over the last 8 years have at times used a laser and put apple cider vinegar in my hair . I don't notice much change myself . But strange have people say too me are you growing your hair back . Apple cider is cheap too start with . Hope I helped .


Thanks for that Rusty.


Anyone have any comments in relation to the grafts / donor area?

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