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Thinking of taking the HT plunge

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Hi, I am 38, receeding at the front and thinning at the back and in the last ten years I have been worrying and stressing over my hai.r I have been to 3 consultations to discuss a hair transplant and yet still havent had it done. My question is, now that I am losing it a bit at the back as well as the front, am I chasing an impossible moving target.... can I justify spending x thousand pounds on something I may have to do agin in 10 years time?


I have a consultation booked in at the crown Clinic this month to try again. I am not wealthy, and friends of mine have spent as much money on a watch that it would cost me to get it done, but the same things keeps coming back to me...is a cosmetic proceedure going to satisfy me or will I regret having better hair and an empty bank account.

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  • Senior Member

Hey Slugger,


You need to look at hair restoration as a process..not a one time shot and you're done. Since you're only 38 years old and will continue to lose more hair, whether aggressively or slowly, it will behoov you to implement a 2 prong approach: first getting started on medical therapy to slow down your hair loss process. Your options are Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil have show to be the most effective. Some patients also throw in laser therapy in the mix. Second is hair transplantion, which basically involves moving healthy follicles from the donor area to where ever you are losing hair. These follicles will last and produce hair for the rest of your life, just like they now do in the donor area.


So therapy is to slow down and avoid future loss, while hair transplantation is to add where you've lost. This is the best combo to be successful down this path. Also, it's important to mention that you may not be a one shot you're done patient...meaning you may have to do more than one surgery as time goes by. This is because therapy is not 100% effective, although very important to slow down the hair loss process.


Make sure you do your homework. Select a hair transplant surgeon that is a specialist and doesn't just do hair transplantation as one of his many services. Make sure they are a specialist, and even then, check their reviews and such.


Hope this helps!


Best of luck!!!

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  • Senior Member

Slugger, I think if it really bothers you then my advice would be to go for it! You only live once and providing you do your research and pick a good surgeon then I would go ahead and do it. Look at Turkey as well as there seems to be great FUE surgeons there at a really good price!

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Thank you both, I am have done a lot research so i think its just time to decide on going for it or dealing with it. I have so far met with Advanced Hair studio (not good) and Ziering (seemed ok but not aware of the surgeon who would be performing the proceedure) and next stop is the crown clinic and Dr Shahmalak who I hear good things about so lets see.

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  • Senior Member


I was in the same situation as you with receding in the front at first then eventually thinning in the crown. Its an individual decision obviously but I decided to go for it and have been glad I did. My hair loss has continued because I don't want to take the meds. So, Ive had more than one procedure. I would be bald by now if I hand't and no regrets so far. Make sure you research a lot of clinics and don't be afraid to travel if the best one isn't close. You mention pounds so I assume you are based in the UK. If so there are lots good clinics in countries near by.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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