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Beard & Body hair's good, bad, and ugly ~ OMG MyWHTC

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There have been a handful of uses for body hair transplantation. Donor restocking should be one procedure that we consider to be beneficial for patients who must place a strenuous demand on their donor area due to advanced hair loss. Camouflaging noticeably sparse areas within the donor area is a legitimate application for patients to utilize body hair resources. Unique circumstances to improve a patient’s predicament after mismanagement of donor resources has occurred and it allows the primary focus for any patient to be informed consent. Informed consent helps a patient to avoid any further pitfalls relating to surgical hair restoration.


There are definitely a few doctors around the globe who are well-experienced with beard hair transplantation. We at MyWHTC clinic have seen body hair results from FUE by FIT to be effective in countless instances but each patient's case is different. Recently, the antidote for patients' extensive scarring, extensively depleted donor areas, and strip scarring has been our methodical approach to beard hair transplantation. Dr. Patrick Mwamba, MD, expertly performs the most effective applications to yield acceptable coverage and aesthetically pleasing body hair results. Our surgical staff understands how critical protocols are for establishing consistent improvements in the specialty of beard hair transplantation. Establishing systematic procedures for body hair transplantation not only offers patients better results, but it also allows the doctor and medical assistants to better utilize their time and resources as they perform this labor-intensive procedure. Although body hair transplantation is still experimental in many respects for many clinics, they will charge patients excessive rates despite this fact.


Beard/body hair can provide great relief for prospective repair patients and those suffering from an advanced degree of hair loss; specifically, the individuals whom would have otherwise been unqualified as surgical hair restoration candidates. Each source of body hair typically displays slight variations in quality depending on the location from which they are harvested on the body. The quality and caliber of this hair can be weak, fine, medium, or coarse. Most commonly utilized body hair sources are chest, leg, arm, back, and beard. The less commonly harvested locations for body hair include nose, pubic, armpit, and abdomen. The texture of the tissue greatly contributes to the degree of difficulty in regard to the less commonly harvested sources of body hair.


Beard hair is typically a more robust caliber of body hair and it also shares a relatively similar rate of growth to scalp hair. Beard hair may seem to be the best source of body hair but it still shares the same limitations as all other sources of non-scalp hair. Regardless of the caliber and wave of body hair, there are no certain factors to determine how an end result will appear. Generally speaking, the unpredictability associated with body hair places it as the all-time secondary source of donor hair. We have seen body hair take on the characteristics of scalp hair once it has been transplanted onto the scalp. Body hair that is placed onto the scalp can promptly alter in appearance as it continually grows in cycles. The most notable display of changes in body hair characteristics is the increase in length and decrease in wave; the shorter, wavier hairs taken from the body tend to grow longer and straighter on the scalp.

Edited by WHTC-7706631290

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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