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Could I have Pulled some out?

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I had a HT 2 weeks ago. The scabs on my head are starting to flake off. But I have a very hard time letting this happen naturally because it has been very itchy. I don't pick the scabs off, but kindof push them around until they loosen. There is no blood, but sometimes pain (i think partially because the scabs are pulling on nearby hairs). Anyway, is there a possibility that I could be doing damage, and permanently pulling out my implants? How long until the grafts can't be pulled out anymore?

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  • Senior Member

I don't think you need to worry about dislodging grafts at this stage although it is still advisable to be gentle with the recipient area since it is still healing.


10 days is the time required for the grafts to be fully secured - you'd need some kind of surgery to remove them after this point I believe.


If you have any photos then you should consider creating a weblog so others can keep track of your progress too.

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