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hair transplant

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hey guys how are you?

i am new here and wanted to let you know my story.

i was 17 years old when i started to loose my hair, never had the chance of really enjoying it like most people are.

at age 17.5 i started to use minoxi and after 3-4 monthes the hair lose did stoped and i was young ant thought that its over somehow and stoped using minoxi, as you all know after 1-2 monthes it started again. faster and stronger. i used propecia for 1 year and it didnt stoped the hair lose to. i have started to think about hair transplant about 2 years ago. but all the clinics told me that i am to young to have the surgury and that i need to wait another 2 years minimum to do the surgury.

so here i am to years later and i am about to do that. after reserches in the internet and talking with people i have decided to do the surgury with Dr Tejinder Bhatti at Darling Buds clinic in India.

i loved the resolts and the videos that i have seen about his work and also economicly it is more comturble.

he advised to do a 3500 grafts transplant.

i am not completly bald yet so i know i'll have to do another one in the future. but i dont want to wait till i'm bald and then suddenly out of nowhere be with hairs.

as every one that thinking about doing this surgury i have my concerns and i do wish for the best resolts.

i would like to have your opinion on my condition.

thank you very much:)





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I would consider Propecia Minox and Niizoral and see how that works out before jumping in on a Hair Transplant.


I think you need to consider where your hair loss is going and what can actually be achieved long term, not a fix for today as it really does not work like that with HT. If you did have a HT it would need over 4000 grafts and in the future given your current loss have a most obvious HT showing.

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