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Do I need Doctor's Prescrion & Advice


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I am planning to buy Propecia/Finasteride and or Minoxidil online. Please guide me as to whether i need a doctor's prescription or advice to use these products. Do they have any side effects. and lastly, if any of these products can grow hair on a bald patch.:rolleyes:

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Welcome! No prescription or consultation with a physician is necessary to purchase and use Rogaine (minoxidil).


Side effects of minoxidil tend to be mild. Most common is scalp irritation and redness. This is mostly due to propylene glycol in the liquid form. You can avoid this with Rogain Foam or generic foam.


As for Propecia (finasteride), I can't speak for all parts of the world but in many places, a prescription is required to legally purchase it. Despite this, lots of guys do buy from online pharmacies. Just be sure you are using a reputable source.


The potential side effects of finasteride are a hotly debated topic. Many members here have used it for years will little to no ill effects while some have experienced sexual side effects.


According to studies, sexual side effects occur in fewer than 2% of men and they subside upon discontinuation of the drug. However, claims have been made of permanent sexual dysfunction.


I suggest reading the following topics from our Hair Loss Q&A Blog.


Is Propecia Safe? Dr. Robert Bernstein Discusses the Efficacy and Safety of Finasteride


Merck Updates Hair Loss Drug Propecia (Finasteride) Sexual Side Effects Warning


Federal Consolidation of Lawsuits Against Hair Loss Drug Propecia (Finasteride)


Can Treating Hair Loss with Propecia (Finasteride) Lead to Permanent Sexual Side Effects?

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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