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The Lovely Dr Beehner


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my experience with Dr Beehner was wonderful. i had my initial consult in 2010, three years prior to having the surgery. i've had many elective cosmetic procedures in the past 3 years.so i have lots of experience with the surgery process, from the consult to the surgery to the after care. i was extremely pleased with Dr Beehner as well as the entire staff. they treated me with respect, care and professionalism throughout the entire process. a main goal of the surgery is to produce happiness, so it's a little light hearted. but the office didn't forget that this was still surgery and they were serious about it. I've been to other offices where the environment was a little too "care free" for my liking.


i had my second consult in feb 2013 one week prior to surgery. when looking at my past photos, Dr Beehner immediately recognized that my hairline had been lowered by ( by another surgery) " at least a centimeter." i was impressed with this immediate observation.

i felt very confident with Dr Beehner after not seeing him for 3 years. our consult was an hour long and didn't feel rushed at all. i can not say that for many of the other surgeons i have met. we discussed 3 different options for positioning of the new hairline. we took photo's so i could decide which one i liked best once i was home.


what i found particularly effective was the way in which he presented me with my options. it's very difficult to make decisions when it comes to your face. we all have our desired results, some of which are realistic and some that are not. as a veteran patient i still wonder if it's best to agree with " the professional" or override them with my own desires.


Dr beehner said, " first, ill draw a hairline that i would choose for you then we can talk about it. " after that he suggested he can draw a more aggressive shape and a more conservative shape. perfect! that's all i needed to go home with. he's obviously

been doing this for a long time and he can appreciate your concerns.


he's conservative in a very effective way. it seems that he would prefer not to overpack an area with grafts, but rather have you do multiple sessions to achieve a higher follicle survival rate. i am 7 months post op and very happy with my results. i saw dr beehner in his newburg office tonight which was very convenient, as I'm right near NYC. he told me that he too was pleased with the results so far. he said i could expect a possible 10-20% growth in follies that are coming out of the telogen phase. in the the next 6 months i could anticipate a 50-60% thickening of each hair.


like i said before, i have been through 6 surgeries in the past 3 years. dollar for dollar this surgery gives the most "bang for the buck." the recovery was quite easy, the result is extremely effective and the local anesthesia was worth the trip alone!!!


best to you all



ps. apologies for typo's and grammar :confused:

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  • Senior Member



Welcome and thanks for sharing your experience with Dr. Beehner. I encourage you to share your pre and post-op photos so we can better appreciate his excellent work.


All the best!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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