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When I went to seen my doctor for the first time. Waiting for him lasted longer then actually talking about my problems with him. I thought I ask the right questions and told told hime situation, How no guys in my family has MPB. I told him all my brother from 35-56 and my dad at 80, still has his hair. So what the hell!!! he said sometime genes don't mix well together can cause this and not necessary has to be either side of the parents. How do you know if its a MPB? I have an appointment with him a month. What questions should I ask??

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  • Senior Member

When I went to seen my doctor for the first time. Waiting for him lasted longer then actually talking about my problems with him. I thought I ask the right questions and told told hime situation, How no guys in my family has MPB. I told him all my brother from 35-56 and my dad at 80, still has his hair. So what the hell!!! he said sometime genes don't mix well together can cause this and not necessary has to be either side of the parents. How do you know if its a MPB? I have an appointment with him a month. What questions should I ask??

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What you just said is sometime,I say it to my girlfriend.

when told him about my hair situations, he just looked at it from a distance. I thought he gonna look at my scalp or touch it,something to be called a doctor. Whats confusing is that I don't know if I have MPB cause no one in the family thin like me and if its stress or not dieting right then wouldn't it grow back???????? Cause I thought or at least I thought it was stress and not dieting right, but til this day it hasn't thicking up????? The time I was starting to shed, I was in some stress and taking Hydroxycut and made me drop wieght like crazy. I would force myself to eat cause of not being hungry and when I eat food just taste like nothing or sometime skip a meal and go to the gym.


So I still don't know what to ask the doctor? Right now just taking propecia that he discribe me and rogaine foam.




Originally posted by Phil_Harmonic:

I know, it sucks man. Well Pk, think of it this way, its nature's way of saying "hey there, you're just a bit too handsome, lets take you down a notch or two".


Sometimes stress, poor nutrition or certain skin conditions will cause temporary hair loss. The dermatologist should be able to ascertain some of these factors.


MPB usually follows certain patters of loss (thinning in the crown, receding hairline, loss behind the frontal forelock, or diffuse thinning from the front to the back of the top of the head.......or any combination of the above)


MPB will normally not affect the hair you see left in say, a NW 7, the "ring of hair". If you have thinning in this area, then something other than MPB is probably going on.


Alopecia areata (I think that's what it's called) will cause hair to fall out in patches, then grow back some time later at random intervals, I think this also involves eyebrows and body hair too. So if you've got some thinning eyebrow/chest hair, etc. action going on, that may be the case.

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  • Senior Member

All I can say, is that sucks!!! icon_confused.gif

I rather have blue eyes then a thin spot.


Originally posted by Marvin:

I am the only person in my family with blue eyes. Which is a recessive gene! So things like these can and do happen.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Pk-hair:

I rather have blue eyes then a thin spot.


I get to have both! icon_smile.gif


(Though the baldness isn't a surprise here. Virtually every man in my family has it)

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