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emu oil and cosmetics?

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  • Regular Member

i decided to give emu oil a shot for its numerous benefits, mainly it's enhanced absorption qualities. i would be applying minoxidil first, letting it partially dry, and then adding the emu oil on top of it.


my question is, once the emu oil is dry, does it STOP enhancing the absorption rate of other products?


reason being is, i've been using a combination of dermmatch, hairspray, and baby powder on my head to conceal any thin spots and my scar. having buzzed hair, i've came up with a method that works almost flawlessly, and have never had an issue besides maybe an itchy scalp once in a while.


with the addition of emu oil on my scalp, after it is dry, will it still increase the absorption rate of the ingredients/chemicals from the dermmatch/hairspray/babypowder? i'd hate to think of all the nasty crap that would be pushed deeper into my scalp, mainly from the hairspray.


also, anyone have any experience using emu oil and then dermmatch? i understand if you use too much it gets a bit greasy, but assuming you use just the right amount and it dries fine, does dermmatch still apply normally?



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