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nape of neck stretches for less scar tension?


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i know it's much too early to tell how my scar will look once the appropriate time has passed, but of course i look at it as often as i walk into the bathroom, and worry about it stretching. for some reason, the left side has more noticeable skin showing than the right side.


i can only hope it's shock, but just to be extra careful and preventative, is it possible to try and do skin stretches for the nape of the neck to ease some tension?


sort of like the laxity exercises where you grab the back of the head and pull it up and down, but instead of pulling it down, just push it up, hold, then gently let it go back into it's normal place. not directly on the scar of course, but pressing half an inch to an inch right below it, pressing firmly into the skin.


thoughts? i tried doing a few, and it actually made my scar feel better, so no pain there. just a matter of will this actually be beneficial to keep doing or not.

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