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My experience for the first 4 weeks PostOp and lessons learned


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I had a HT with Dr. Arocha (3344 grafts) on Dec 15, 2012. I posted my overall HT experience in another forum.




These are the daily events I went through for the first 4 weeks and thought to be useful to share:


Day 0 - Surgery (Dec 15, 2012). At night, started sleeping 45 degrees with U shaped travel air pillow and no leaning forward/down until Day 4 to prevent swelling.


Day 1 – They washed my hair in the Clinic and showed me how to do it by patting gently down, on the grafts, and horizontal rub on the donor area. Started spraying “H2Ocean” 3-4 times/day to both donor and recipient areas until Day 7-8 to keep moist and speed up healing.


Day 2 – Washed hair with Graftcyte Shampoo / Water mix that clinic gave me. Used spray bottles, on “Mist” setting and from a safe distance, both for shampoo and rinse. Alternated with Baby Shampoo until Day 7. Actually, I did not like how neither of the shampoos made my hair feel.


Day 4 – Started washing grafts with very gentle circular motion, gradually increasing pressure until day 7/8 when all the scabs from grafts were gone. Never saw any graft come out! Did not need any pain meds for donor area since Day 3.


Day 10 – Removed stiches. Switched to my normal (Pre HT) shampoo Nioxin 2, after consulting Dr. Arocha. Felt great by going back to Nioxin, no burning or too strong feeling. Started washing donor area with more pressure to help remove scabs. Started applying Aloe Vera Spray to donor area at nights.


Day 14 – Started to see light shock loss especially from donor area. Recipient area looks completely healed. Started work Day 20, nobody noticed I had a HT.


Day 23 – Shock loss increased from donor area (pics posted on my site). I do not notice shock loss from recipient area. Started going back to gym, light weights with avoiding certain moves. Concentrating on cardio.


Week 4 – From what I can see, I still have estimated 80% or even more of the grafts in place, continuing to grow. Light tightness I originally had in donor area is almost gone, never had numbness. The numbness in the recipient area is gradually going away from out towards center area. The shock loss increased from my donor area, very obvious if I lift my hair up with my hand, otherwise not visible. Started using Minoxidil 5% on crown and some on donor area.


Obviously, I did not do everything right:D. Lessons Learned:rolleyes:


1) Got bored sitting at home and was feeling great! So, I went shopping on day 3 PostOp. I felt pressure all over my head after walking around about two hours, came home put some ice on my forehead and problem was solved. Lesson Learned: Take your time and rest!


2) I should have listened doc’s PostOp advice and at least start using Minoxidil 5% right away. My guess right now is that, it might have helped some with my current shock loss. Started Rogaine Foam 5% yesterday (End of Week 4)


General Notes:


1) I did not experience any swelling, itching, or redness on recipient area. Minimal itching at donor area.


2) I decided not to take Propecia/Fin. Thinking about starting Nizarol 2% once a week, starting at week 8 or so.


3) I have been taking supplements B6, B12, Fish Oil, Biotin 5000mcg, Mag/Zinc/Cal for the last 3-4 years, will continue those. Recently, stopped Mag/Zinc/Cal and started eating 1 cup of Pumpkin Seeds, instead.

Edited by Houston123
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  • Senior Member

Hello there Houston123,


Congrats to you on your new journey! It is always nice to hear from patients post-op and learn about their experience. Write-ups like these are great for those who are considering a hair transplant procedure. As you mentioned, rest is definitely important during the first few days after operation, even if you do start feeling a little claustrophobic at home. As far as Finasteride goes, some patients are hesitant about taking it, especially the younger ones. However, it is generally advised by physicians that post-op patients start taking Finasteride for up to 3-6 months since it has been proven to help reduce shock loss. Some decide to continue using it after that time period because it is working well for them, while others decide to switch to Minoxidil. Good luck to you on whatever you decide and don't forget to keep us updated. All the best, Michael.

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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As far as Finasteride goes, some patients are hesitant about taking it, especially the younger ones. However, it is generally advised by physicians that post-op patients start taking Finasteride for up to 3-6 months since it has been proven to help reduce shock loss. Some decide to continue using it after that time period because it is working well for them, while others decide to switch to Minoxidil.l.


What if 1MG per day beats the hell out of you with sides? Then what ?


I started rogaine foam 4 months after HT.

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