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switching from generic to name brand, sides?


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i was told by my hair transplant doctor to take only name-brand proscar instead of getting generic 5mg finasterides and cutting them up. i thought that was a little weird considering generics are usually just as good, but upon further research i read people claiming they hit a wall with taking generics for a while and started losing hair again, only to halt it by switching to name brand proscar.


the price difference isnt really an issue for me. i'm already in this deep, i'd rather pay more for a medication that is going to work than save a few bucks and hope that the generics won't give up on me.


my problem is, would the sides be worse if i switched to name brand? i've been taking finasteride for about 3 or so years, and never really had any sexual problems until recently. my "solo libido" went to zero, so i experimented a little to see if i could perform with another person. i could, but it felt like if there was any sort of pause/distraction, or if anything "unattractive" were to happen, i'd start to go limp, and never fully got to 100% except for a few moments here and there. also the longer we went, i felt like it started to go numb/just didn't feel good anymore, but that might be different issue.


anyone experience worse sides from switching from generic to name brand?

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